Faithful Pastor

Qualify for scholarships and Build relationships with future pastors


Along with the qualifications of the Accelerated BA+MDiv Program, Faithful Pastor is designed for students who have experienced a call to pastoral ministry and plan to pastor churches in the United States after graduation. Students will receive guidance from a dedicated program director and will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on ministry experiences. Candidates for this program must be willing to devote themselves to a time of intensive theological study to complete the accelerated program in 5 years.

Scholarship Opportunities

Faithful Pastor offers scholarships to students who begin their undergraduate degrees between the ages of 18-21. In addition to the above qualifications, students will be required to attend monthly meetings that focus on financial stewardship, a biblical philosophy of ministry, connecting with other future pastors, and learning from pastors already serving in the field.


The Accelerated BA+MDiv have the opportunity to:

  • Save time.
  • Save money by taking advantage of the institution’s tuition cap.
  • Begin full-time ministry at a quicker rate.

Faithful Pastor has the same opportunities, but have the additional opportunities to:

  • Qualify for scholarships.
  • Attend a monthly meeting to be further equipped in pastoral ministry issues.
  • Build relationships with future pastors.

Ready to get started

Inquiry Form