Faithful Over a Few Things
By Dr. Jeffrey Farmer
Check out this article on Baptist Press. It highlights a smaller membership church that is committed to see Kingdom growth. They show their commitment to Kingdom growth by planting churches. This small church, Vista Church has helped plant 17 churches in the last 9 years!
This story emphasizes the importance of the local church being on mission. It doesn’t matter whether your church is large or small. It doesn’t matter what your church’s budget is. Your church should support church planting and missions regardless the size.
My dissertation examined this very topic. I conducted a statistical analysis of churches which sponsored a church plant. When I compared the five years prior to the church plant with the five years after, I found that God blessed the churches in the areas where the church faithful sacrificed. Those churches which gave money (the largest form of sponsorship assistance) saw an increase in giving in every financial category examined with the exception of cooperative program giving. In fact, the giving increased a minimum of 20.24% (Lottie Moon Christmas Offering), to a maximum of 77.36% (Designated Offerings). Tithes and Undesignated Offerings increased significantly (48.4% and 41.07% respectively). Also, churches that sent people to serve in the church plant increased in baptisms, Sunday School, and AM Worship.
The bottom line is this: God rewards the faithful church. Supporting church plants and other mission efforts creates the DNA in the local church to worship God through all expressions of life. For Vista Church, it all started with obedience to the mission by setting aside 1% of it’s offering.
What are your thoughts? How does your church engage in Kingdom growth?
This article was originally posted on the Caskey Center Blog.