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How Can You Receive Your Graduate Degree Earlier Than Expected?

It's simple! Students who have graduated from Baptist colleges and universities (or other schools of similar theological background) may qualify to receive up to 27 hours of their MDiv, or up to 9 hours of their MA or MTS, through our Accelerated Program, regardless of specialization. In order to qualify, students must submit their undergraduate transcripts for evaluation along with a graded research paper demonstrating competency in the areas of research and writing. Current or prospective students who have already submitted their official undergraduate transcripts to the NOBTS Registrar's office may send an email to transcript@nobts.edu in order to request a copy of their undergraduate transcript be sent to the Director of the Accelerated Program. Students who have access to their unofficial transcripts online may email a copy to the Accelerated Program office directly.

** Have you sent your most recent transcript to us?  Make sure to have your updated grades sent to our office with each semester.  You may qualify for more credits than you think! **

The Accelerated Master's Program offers students the opportunity to earn their Master's degree faster, based on their undergraduate studies, while saving money in the process. Qualifying students are those who have completed significant hours in biblical/theological studies from an accredited institution of similar theological background. 

Rationale for the Program

  1. The current MDiv in Christian Ministry at NOBTS involves 84 hours of study and most of our other specializations in the MDiv are 87-hour degree programs. The Association of Theological Schools (ATS) allows for a reduction of up to 1/3 of the required degree program hours based on advanced standing and/or advanced placement in biblical languages. This allows us to offer students up to 27 hours (nine 3-hour courses) of credit through the Accelerated Program. 
  2. Students who wish to pursue an MA or MTS are also eligible to receive credit through the Accelerated Program. However, because these degrees are already significantly shorter than an MDiv, the number of hours a student can receive through the program toward an MA or MTS is limited to 9 hours.
  3. Many students acquire training in their undergraduate program in the areas of biblical studies, theology, history, ethics, pastoral ministry, etc. Some of the introductory courses in those areas at NOBTS cover the same material already encountered in undergraduate courses.

Requirements of the Program

  1. The student must have earned at least a "B" in the undergraduate course(s) applied toward the Accelerated Program.
  2. The student must be within five years of his/her baccalaureate graduation to be eligible for the Accelerated Program.
  3. The undergraduate courses will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis to ensure sufficient equivalency with NOBTS courses in order for the student to receive credit through advanced standing.
  4. The student must submit a graded research paper, or write a paper for submission, to the Director of the Accelerated Program, demonstrating the necessary research and writing skills for advanced standing at the graduate level. (See Research Paper Information)
  5. The Accelerated Program is available for students taking courses in any delivery system (traditional, hybrid, extension center, online).
  6. Credit to the student's graduate transcript will be given in the semester he/she applies for graduation, following approval for graduation by the NOBTS Registrar.

Courses Available for Advanced Standing through the Accelerated MDiv

OTEN5351   Interpreting the Old Testament I
OTEN5352  Interpreting the Old Testament II
NTEN5351 Interpreting the New Testament I
NTEN5352 Interpreting the New Testament II
BBBW5300 Encountering the Biblical World
CCSW6367 Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families
COUN5300 Counseling in Ministry
CEAM6320 Church Leadership & Administration
CEEF6302 Foundations in Educational Psychology
CEEF6303 Lifespan Development
CEWM5388   Women in Ministry Leadership
EVAN5300 Evangelism
PATH5331 Pastoral Ministry
HIST5300 History of Christianity: Early to Medieval
HIST5301 History of Christianity: Reformation to Modern
ETHC5300 Christian Ethics
HIST5323 Baptist Heritage
MISS5330 Christian Missions
PHIL5300 Philosophy of Religion
THEO5300 Systematic Theology I

Qualification for these courses requires at least a three-hour course at the undergraduate level in the specific area. Qualification for Interpreting the OT II, Interpreting the NT II, and Systematic Theology courses require six hours in the field, three of which must come from a survey course (e.g., OT Survey, NT Survey, Christian Doctrine or Systematic Theology). Qualification for Interpreting the OT I and Interpreting the NT I requires a survey course plus a minimum of three hours of biblical interpretation/hermeneutics.

Advanced Placement in Biblical Languages

Students may also be eligible to receive advanced placement in Greek and/or Hebrew based on their undergraduate coursework in these areas. For every 6 undergraduate hours in Greek or Hebrew, students may enroll in the next logical course at NOBTS. Upon successful completion of the Greek or Hebrew course at NOBTS, with a B or better, the student will receive a "pass" (P) and pay 1/3 tuition for the bypassed course(s). The Accelerated Program offers students the opportunity to earn credit for the following Greek and Hebrew courses:

NTGK5351     Greek 1
NTGK5352 Greek 2
OTHB5351 Hebrew 1
OTHB5352 Hebrew 2

Articulation Agreements

NOBTS has signed articulation agreements with the following schools, indicating our desire to partner together for the education of current and future ministers of the Gospel. A list of qualifying courses from each of these schools may be accessed by clicking the name of the school.

Brewton-Parker College Charleston Southern University
Louisiana Christian University Mississippi College
Missouri Baptist University North Greenville University
Oklahoma Baptist University Ouachita Baptist University
Shorter University University of Mobile
Welch College William Carey University


Other Colleges & Universities

There are a number of other colleges and universities with which NOBTS does not yet have articulation agreements in place but graduates of these schools may still qualify to earn significant hours toward their Master's degree through the Accelerated Program. While this list is certainly not exhaustive, these are the schools for which we have put together qualifying course lists. If you do not see your particular school but would like to know how your degree program may qualify you for credit through the Accelerated Program, please feel free to contact the Accelerated Program office and we will be happy to put together a similar list for your school.  

Baptist College of Florida Blue Mountain College
Carson-Newman University Leavell College
Luther Rice College Samford University
Truett McConnell University Union University
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Williams Baptist University

Q. Can a student from any undergraduate institution apply to the Accelerated Program or is it only available to graduates from “Baptist” institutions?

A. While the Accelerated Program is not limited solely to those students who are graduates of Baptist colleges and universities, only courses from institutions of similar theological background will be applied through the Accelerated Program. This means that students from institutions affiliated with other denominations may also receive some credit through the program, though some courses may not apply.

Q. How many hours can students earn through the Accelerated Program?

A. The Association of Theological Schools (ATS) allows institutions like NOBTS to give students credit for up to 1/3 of their graduate degree based on undergraduate coursework. For an 84-hour MDiv in Christian Ministry, that would be 28 hours; for an 87-hour specialization in the MDiv, 29 hours. However, in light of recent curriculum changes, all of the courses offered through the Accelerated Program are now 3-hour courses. Thus, qualifying students would only be eligible to receive a maximum of 27 hours (nine courses) through the program since adding a tenth course would exceed the maximum number of hours allowed by ATS.

We have also opened up the Accelerated Program now to benefit students seeking other graduate degrees apart from the MDiv, such as the MA or the MTS. However, because these degree programs are already significantly shorter than the MDiv, students are limited to a maximum of 9 hours that may be applied to the MA or the MTS through the Accelerated Program. An exception is made for the 84-hour MA in Counseling. Students pursuing this degree may receive more than 9 hours through the Accelerated Program; however, because that degree does not include the full MDiv core, the most a student can receive would be 18 hours.

Q. Is the Accelerated Program an "all or nothing" program?

A. No. Students may qualify to receive up to 27 hours of their degree program but may also be eligible to receive credit for just a single course, depending on the student's undergraduate program.

Q. When applying for NOBTS, do I need to enroll as an Accelerated Program student?

A. No. You will simply complete the application process as normal and enroll in the degree program of your choosing. The Accelerated Program works with any Master's degree offered at NOBTS with the exception of the Master of Theology (which is an advanced research degree designed for pursuit of a PhD).

Q. Can the Accelerated Program actually save me money?

A. Definitely! The only fees associated with the Accelerated Program are for advanced placement in languages (1/3 tuition for each bypassed course), meaning that most credit hours granted through the program are free. Students who qualify for the maximum benefit through the Accelerated Program will save roughly 1/3 of tuition costs alone, not to mention other fees associated with enrollment and registration.

Q. Is there a fee to enroll in the Accelerated Program?

A. No, there is no cost associated with the Accelerated Program, save for the time and energy required for you to send your undergraduate transcripts and research paper (preferably graded) for evaluation.

Q. Will enrolling in the Accelerated Program shorten the time needed to complete my seminary degree?

A. Most certainly. Qualifying students are eligible to receive up to nearly 1/3 of their degree program, meaning they can cut the time requirements for their degree by 1/3 as well. However, a full-time student who qualifies for just nine hours through the program may still reduce his/her time in seminary by a semester. Every little bit helps!

Q. How will enrolling in the Accelerated Program change or lighten my load during Seminary?

A. The Accelerated Program allows students the opportunity to bypass many of the introductory-level courses at NOBTS, allowing them to skip what could essentially amount to a review of their previous four-year undergraduate degree (at least for some). These students are then freed up to take other upper-level courses, elective courses, etc., that they might not otherwise have the opportunity to take (depending on the frequency with which a course is offered). Qualifying students may also choose, rather than loading up to complete their degree quicker, to take lighter loads each semester. For example, to complete an 84-hour MDiv in six semesters (3 years) would require an average semester load of 14 hours. That same MDiv, with 27 hours earned through the Accelerated Program, may be done in six semesters with an average load of just 9.5 hours. This allows students to complete their degree program in the same amount of time while freeing themselves up to dedicate more time each semester to work, ministry opportunities, and family.

Q. What do I need to do to get started?

A. In order to begin the process, students should submit a copy of their undergraduate transcript as well as a graded research paper, or research paper to be graded, via email to accelerated@nobts.edu. Students do not need to request an Official Transcript be sent from their undergraduate institution and may submit an unofficial copy. Those students who have already submitted their transcript(s) to the Registrar's office during the application process may email transcript@nobts.edu and request a copy be sent to the Accelerated Program office at no charge to the student.

Q. Why do I have to submit a graded research paper?

A. Because the Accelerated Program provides advanced standing for qualified students, these students must be able to demonstrate competency in research and writing--skills that would traditionally be taught and/or refined in introductory-level seminary courses. The research paper submitted should demonstrate a firm grasp of grammatical and stylistic issues in writing as well as the proper use of reliable, credible sources that are appropriate for an academic research paper. For more information on the research paper submission, see Research Paper Information.

Q. If I have had Greek and/or Hebrew at the undergraduate level, do I have to repeat it again?

A. Not necessarily. For every 6 hours of language credit at the undergraduate level (with a B or better) we offer you the opportunity to proceed into the next logical level. So a student with 6 hours of Greek or Hebrew at the undergraduate level may skip Greek 1 or Hebrew 1 at NOBTS and enroll in Greek 2 or Hebrew 2; a student with 12 hours may skip both Greek or Hebrew 1 and 2 and proceed directly to Greek/Hebrew Exegesis or Advanced  Greek/Hebrew. Upon successful completion of the NOBTS class in which the student is enrolled (with a B or better), the student will verify his/her grade with the Accelerated Program office to be given credit for those classes he/she skipped and pay 1/3 tuition for those skipped classes. In other words, depending on the number of undergraduate hours in Greek and/or Hebrew, qualified students may be eligible to take 3 hours at NOBTS, pay for 4, and receive credit for 6; or take 3, pay for 5, and receive credit for 9. It’s just that simple.

Q. If I should choose to transfer to another institution, will any of the eligible Accelerated Program credits transfer?

A. All of the credits received through the Accelerated Program, with the exception of advanced placement credits in Greek and Hebrew, are only applicable at NOBTS and are not added to the student's transcript until the student has completed all other coursework for his/her degree and has applied, and been approved, for graduation from NOBTS.

Q. Where can I find more information about the program?

A. In addition to the website, you may also email the Accelerated Program at any time (accelerated@nobts.edu) or call the office at 504-816-8073. 

To learn more about the Accelerated Program, you may call the office at 1-800-nobts-01 ext. 8073 or 504-816-8073, or you may email the Director of the program, Dr. Charlie Ray, at accelerated@nobts.edu. Students are also encouraged to contact the office to learn more about specific courses from their undergraduate institutions that apply to the Accelerated Program.