Additional study at Texas Christian University, the University of Texas at Dallas, and in the M.A. in Philosophy program at Texas A&M University
Teaching Experience
Provost Emeritus, Vice President for Institutional Assessment, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (1997-present)
Associate Professor in Philosophy of Religion, and Convener of the Philosophy of Religion Department, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (1990-1997)
Guest professor at Oradea Bible Institute in Oradea, Romania (1995); Bucharest Theological Seminary in Bucharest, Romania (1991, 1995); St. Petersburg Theological Seminary in St. Petersburg, Russia (1993), Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (2003), Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2005,2009), and the Advance International/NOBTS certificate program in Grand Cayman Island (2010)
Chairman, Department of Religion and Philosophy, and Associate Professor of Philosophy, Williams Baptist College (1984-1988)
Instructor in Philosophy, Blinn College (1988-1989)
Instructor in Philosophy and Ethics, Weatherford College (1981-1983)
Teaching Fellow in Philosophy of Religion and Systematic Theology Departments, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (1978-1982)
Instructor in Philosophy, Tarrant County Junior College (1979-1980)
Board Member, Louisiana Tech Baptist Student Union Alumni Association (1974-1975)
Experience in Bioethics, Chaplaincy, and Governmental Ethics
Appointed by the Governor of Louisiana and confirmed by the Louisiana legislature to the Louisiana Board of Ethics and the Committee on Campaign Finance (2012-2015)
Bioethics Committee, Memorial Hospital System (Baptist and Mercy campuses), New Orleans, Louisiana (1998-2005)
Member, Commission on Christian Ethics, and Academic and Theological Education Workgroup of the Baptist World Alliance (2000-2004)
Institutional Ethics Committee, John Peter Smith Hospital, Fort Worth, Texas (1993-1997)
Chaplain, Clinical Pastoral Education at Baylor University Medical Center (1991)
Volunteer Chaplain, Humana Hospital Brazos Valley, College Station, Texas (1989-90)
Spiritual Life Committee, HCA Greenleaf Hospital, College Station, Texas (1989-90)
Volunteer Chaplain, Palo Pinto County Hospital, Mineral Wells, Texas (1980-84)
Experience in Academic and Scholarly Guilds
Served as member and/or chair for over 20 evaluation committees for SACSCOC or ATSCOA.
Elected to the Board of Commissioners of the Commission on Accreditation of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATSCOA)(2014-2020).
Appointed to an ATSCOA Data-Sharing Policy Task Force (2017-2018)
Served on the Doctor of Ministry committee in the ATS/Lilly Educational Models and Practices in Theological Education study (2016-2017)
Workshop presenter, "Assessing Institutional Preparedness for Natural Disasters, at the annual Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges meeting in Atlanta, Georgia (December 2016)
Trained as a QEP Lead Evaluator by SACSCOC (July 2016).
Elected to the ATSCOA Committee on Reference and Counsel, ATSCOA Annual Meeting, St. Louis (June 2016).
Member and chair of various visiting committees for the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACSCOC), and for the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools (ATSCOA)(2004-present)
Member, Evangelical Seminary Deans' Council (2014-2017)
Member and rotating facilitator, Council of Seminary Deans of the Southern Baptist Convention (1997-2017)
Peer evaluator for papers submitted to the Evangelical Theological Society, and for articles submitted to the Hope's Reasons Journal of Apologetics.
Presentation on “New Models for New Times: Managing Educational Change,” at the annual Chief Academic Officer Society of ATS meeting in Chicago (March 2015).
Led two workshop sessions on "Preparing for Disasters and Pandemics," presenting "Disasters and Institutions: How We Survived Katrina and How We Plan to Survive the Next Disaster," (with Dr. Mary Currier, Deputy State Health Officer for Medicine and Science at the Mississippi Public Department of Health, who presented "2009 H1N1 Influenza: Or How We Are Putting Pigs at Risk"), for the Mississippi Association of Colleges and Universities 76th annual meeting at Mississippi College (October 2009).
Facilitator of a Theological Institutions discussion group at the SACS meeting in San Antonio, Texas (November 2008).
Member and chairman, Lilly Faculty Grants Committee for the Association of Theological Schools (2003-2007)
President of the Southwest Regional group of the Evangelical Theological Society (1995-96)
Over 50 scholarly presentations at professional scholarly meetings (1987-present, see detailed list below)
Co-editor with David Allen, Calvinism: A Biblical and Theological Critique. (Nashville: B&H Academic, 2022), also available in Portuguese through Verbum Publicacoes, Rio di Janiero, Brazil.
Steve Lemke and William Estep, A Beautiful Mountain: The 150 Year History of Beaumont's First Baptist Church (Dr. Lemke wrote the history of the last 50 years, 1972-2022; an update to And God Gave the Increase (The Centennial History of the First Baptist Church of Beaumont Texas, 1872-1972), by William Estep. Beaumont: DMD Initiative, 2022.
The Christian Philosophy of Emile Cailliet. unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, available at the Cailliet Collection of the Robert E. Speer Library of Princeton Theological Seminary and at the A. Webb Roberts Library of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1985.
A Brief History of the First Baptist Church in Santo (Santo, Texas: First Baptist Church, 1982).
Living Hope: Studies in I Peter (Jackson, MS: Video Publications, 1982).
Joy in Christ: Studies in Philippians (Jackson, MS: Video Publications, 1980; reprint ed., Nashville: JM Productions, 1981).
Articles in Books
“Is God’s Grace Irresistible?” in Calvinism: A Biblical and Theological Critique, ed. Steve Lemke and David Allen (Nashville: B&H Academic, 2022).
“Rain as Divine Communication,” and “Hades: A First Century Understanding,” in CSB Holy Land Illustrated Bible (Nashville, B&H, 2020), pp. 377-382, 1365-1376.
"A Biblical Assessment of Abortion," in Christian Worldview Handbook, ed. David Dockery and Trevin Wax (Nashville: B&H, 2019), 215-218.
“A Theology of Evangelism,” in Engage: Tools for Contemporary Evangelism. A Festschrift Presented in Honor of Dr. Charles S. Kelley, Jr. , ed. Wm. Craig Price (Birmingham: Iron Stream Media, 2019), 107-130. Co-editor of “A Short Biography of Charles S. “Chuck” Kelley Jr,” pp. xviii-xxiv, and “A List of Publications by Charles S. Kelley Jr.,” pp. xxv-xxx.
"Biblical Authority: What Is the Nature of Biblical Authority?" with John Walton and Kenneth Samples, pp. 27-48; and "The Anthropological Evidence: How Does Behavioral Anthropology Inform Your Positions?" with Jeff Schloss and Fuz Rana, pp. 199-219, in Old-Earth or Evolutionary Creation? Discussing Origins with Reasons to Believe and BioLogos, BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity, ed. Ken Keathley, J. B. Stump, and Joe Aguirre (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Academic, 2017).
"Commentary on Article VII: The Sovereignty of God," and "Five Theological Models Relating Determinism, Divine Sovereignty, and Human Freedom," in Anyone Can Be Saved: A Defense of "Traditional" Southern Baptist Soteriology, ed. David A. Allen, Eric Hankins, and Adam Harwood (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2016), 103-117, 169-176.
"God's Love for Believers: Romans 8:28-39," in Evangelism, Traditionalism, and the Book of Romans: Essays in Honor of Harold F. Hunter, ed. Johnathan Pritchett and Braxton Hunter (Newburgh, IN: Trinity Academic Press, forthcoming).
"Preface: The Life of Gray Allison . . .” in Festschrift for Gray Allison, ed. Archie England and Roger Duke (Memphis: BorderStone Press, forthcoming).
"A Biblical Assessment of Abortion,"in Worldview Study Bible, ed. David Dockery and Jeremy Royal (Nashville: B&H, 2018), 718-719.
"Does the Bible Affirm that Animals Have Rights?" and "Does the Bible Teach the Abuse of Nature?" in The Apologetics Study Bible, ed. Paul Copan, Ted Cabal, and Chad Brand (Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2007).
"The Academic Use of the Harmony of the Gospels," in HCSB Harmony of the Gospels(Holman Christian Standard Bible), ed. Steven Cox and Kenneth Easley (Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2007), 18-21.
Seven articles ("Authority," "Hellenism," "Logos," "Preparation Day,""Seven Words from the Cross,""Suffering," and "Time, meaning of,") in The Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, rev. ed., ed. Chad Brand, Archie England, and Charles Draper (Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2003), 145-146, 746-748, 1044-1045, 1326, 1467-1469, 1539-1540, 1595-1597; and two articles ("Preparation Day" and "Seven Last Words from the Cross,") in the original version of Holman Bible Dictionary, ed. Trent Butler (Nashville: Holman, 1991), 1135-1136, 1250.
"Who Will I Be in the Next Life?" in Fake Answers, ed. Jon Brooks and Karen Jones, pp. 75-82 (Nashville: Convention Press, 1995).
Articles in Scholarly Journals
“Why We Opposed the Anti-Abortion Amendment at the Southern Baptist Convention,” a statement by Denny Burk, Alan Branch, Andrew T. Walker, Steve Lemke, Daniel Heimbach, C. Ben Mitchell, and Jeffrey Riley, in Public Discourse, the Journal of the Witherspoon Institute, available online at, posted 6/22/2021.
“The School of Providence and Prayer: From the Great Depression through Hurricane Katrina and Beyond,” in Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry, vol. 17, no. 2 (Fall 2020), 301-314.
"The Uneasy Conscience of Southern Baptists: Support for Slavery among the Founders of the Southern Baptist Convention,” Baptists and Conscience in Public: Legacy and Future Implications, in American Baptist Quarterly, vol. 34, no. 3-4 (Fall-Winter 2016), 254-270.
"History or Revisionist History? How Calvinistic Were the Overwhelming Majority of Baptists and Their Confessions in the South until the Twentieth Century?" Southwestern Journal of Theology 57, no. 2 (Spring 2015), 227-254.
"Worship Wars: Theological Perspectives on Hymnody among Early Evangelical Christians," Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society vol. 27, no. 52 (Spring 2014): 57-79.
“ Commentary on Article 7: The Sovereignty of God,” Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry, 10.1 (Spring 2013), 7-18. A version of this article was also published on the SBC Today blog on March 24, 2014.
" Evolution and the Problem of Evil,” posted in the “Southern Baptist Voices” series of dialogues in the BioLogos Forum between SBC scholars and the Christian scholars from the BioLogos organization, which favors theistic evolution.
"Andrew: Just Peter’s Brother?" 29, no. 3 (Spring 2003), 30-32.
"'Falling Away' or 'Erring' from the Faith?"30, no. 3 (Spring 2004),52-54; (also included in the premiere issue of Biblical Illustrator Plus (Spring 2004), an interactive CD-ROM).
"Caesar Is Lord vs. Jesus as Lord," 32, no. 1 (Fall 2005), 28-33.
"The Sanhedrin: Their History and Function," 34, no. 4 (Summer 2008), 16-19.
"House Construction in the First Century," 36, no. 1 (Fall 2009), 24-27.
"Hades: A First Century Understanding," vol. 43, no. 3 (Spring 2017), 49-52.
"Stephen: All We Know," vol. 44, no. 1 (Fall 2017), 44-48.
“It’s about Time,” (discussion of chronos and kairos), vol. 45, no. 2 (Winter 2018-19), 84-87.
“Who Were the Scribes?” vol. 45, no. 3 (Spring 2019), 64-66.
“The Priority of Preaching,” vol. 46, no. 3 (Spring 2020), 110-113.
"Luke: The Man and His Gospel," vol. 47, no. 2 (Winter 2020-21), 86-90 (this was the last issue of the Biblical Illustrator).
Co-author with Ray Higgins, Paul Stevens, and Joe Gross of "Clinical Pastoral Education for Seminary Professors: Supervisory Considerations and Professional Benefits," Journal of Supervision and Training in Ministry, vol. 14 (1992-1993), 33-42.
Co-author with Ray Higgins of "Institutional Ethics Committees in Baptist-Related Hospitals: Survey Results and Analysis" (unpublished).
Publications for Ministers and Laypersons through Popular Media
Guest reviewer for theological books on the Rev Reads podcast with Rev. Shawn Willson, available at the Rev Reads page in YouTube -- Books reviewed include Religion and the Technological Future: An Introduction to Biohacking, Artificial Intelligence, and Transhumanism, by Calvin Mercer and Tracy J. Trothen. (Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), with Shawn Willson on the Rev Reads podcast, posted online on 7/11/2023 at, and review of The Sofa Rule: The Biblical Approach to God’s Sovereignty & Human Responsibility, by Christopher Cone (Lee’s Summit, MO: Exigetica Publishing, 2019), with Shawn Willson on the Rev Reads podcast, posted online on 5/25/2023 at
“His Words Are Written,” a blog post referencing Speaking God’s Words: A Practical Theology of Expository Preaching by Peter Adam, in PreachingSource, a blog sponsored by the Southwestern Center of Text-Driven Preaching of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, posted 6/1/2020, available online at
"Making Technical Aspects Relevant," a blog post 12/11/19 in the "Keeping Sermons Fresh" series related to text-driven preaching on the PreachingSource blog of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, available online at
“Dig Deeper” articles in LifeWay Advanced Bible Study Teacher Guide (Summer 2018), in sessions 1-5 (for June 3, 10, 17, 24, & July 1), pp. 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30.
"Tough Decisions about Palliative Care," Mature Living (Leadership Edition), vol. 4, no. 3 (November 2004):1, 4.
"Tough Decisions about Euthanasia," Mature Living (Leadership Edition), vol. 3, no. 4(December 2004):2.
"Church Responses to End of Life Issues," Mature Living (Leadership Edition), vol. 4, no. 1 (January 2005):2.
"Are We Entering a 'Doctrine-Free' Era?" Preaching Now online newsletter vol. 2, no. 2 (July 10, 2003).
12 Articles in the "Theological Thought" column and other articles in the [Louisiana] Baptist Message --
“Adjusting Your Leadership to Your Ministry Situation,” Baptist Message, May 26, 2011, p. 5.
"Why Our Faith Is Secure: Salvation Is of God, Not of Us," (part 1), Baptist Message, vol. 125, no. 10(May 13, 2010), 14; reposted by permission in the SBC Tomorrow blog, August 17, 2010 .
"Why Our Faith Is Secure: It is Based upon a Life-Changing Experience with God," (part 2), Baptist Message, vol. 125, no. 11 (May 27, 2010), 6; reposted by permission in the SBC Tomorrow blog, August 25, 2010 .
"Why Your Faith Is Secure: Eternal Salvation Is a Scriptural Promise," (part 3), Baptist Message, vol. 125, no. 12 (June 10, 2010), 14; reposted by permission in the SBC Tomorrow blog, August 26, 2010 .
"Why Your Faith Is Secure: Eternal Salvation Is a Logical Necessity," (part 4), Baptist Message, vol. 125, no. 13 (June 24, 2010), 14; reposted by permission in the SBC Tomorrow blog, August 31, 2010 .
"Why Your Faith Is Secure: It is Based on an Unchanging Status of Relationship," (part 5), Baptist Message, vol. 125, no. 14 (July 8, 2010), 5; reposted by permission in the SBC Tomorrow blog, September 17, 2010 .
"The Security of the Believer and Apostasy," (part 6), Baptist Message, vol. 125, no. 15 (July 22, 2010), 14; reposted by permission in the SBC Tomorrow blog, September 20, 2010.
"The Age of Accountability Is a Foundational Belief," Baptist Message vo. 125, no. 1 (January 7. 2010), 5.
"The Benefit of Having Deacons," Baptist Message, vol. 124, no. 11 (May 28, 2009), 14.
"How Deacons Can Help Their Pastors," Baptist Message, vol. 124, no. 12 (June 11, 2009), 14.
"How Pastors Can Work with Their Deacons," Baptist Message, vol. 124, no. 13 (June 25, 2009), 14.
"Harvel Pitman: A Deacon Exemplar," Baptist Message, vol. 124, no. 14 (9 July 2009), 14.
40 E-thought devotional thoughts on various topics --
“All In,” an Ethought devotional posted 8/26/2021.
“Goin’ Fishing,” an eThought devotional posted 7/20/2021.
“A Church where Everyone Knows Your Name,” an eThoughts devotional posted 7/8/2021.
“Dealing with Frustration,” an eThoughts devotional posted 5/12/21.
“Being Thankful,” an eThoughts devotional posted 4/22/2021.
“Do You Have a Reservation?” an EThought devotional reposted 8/30/2019.
“Be a Barnabas,” an eThought devotional thought reposted 2/20/2019.
“The Crooked Sidewalk,” an eThought devotional thought reposted 1/3/2019.
“Having Hope,” a devotional thought for the eThoughts online daily devotions, posted 9/20/2018.
"Coming Up Short," devotional thought for the eThoughts online daily devotions, posted 6/29/2018.
“A Church where Everyone Knows My Name,” an eThought devotional reposted 3/1/2018.
“Be a Barnabas,” an eThought devotional thought posted 2/2/2018
"Horned Toads and Perseverance," an eThought devotional thought posted 11/20/2017.
"Coming Up Short," an eThought devotional thought published 10/5/2017.
“Do You Have a Reservation?” an eThought devotional thought posted 8/30/2017.
“When the Pressure Is On,” an eThought devotional thought posted 8/3/2017.
"Be a Barnabas," an eThoughts devotional thought published online June 27, 2017.
"Goin' Fishing," an eThoughts devotional thought published online June 1, 2017.
"Reinventing Yourself," an eThoughts devotional thought republished online May 18, 2017.
"The Great Chicago Fire," an eThoughts devotional thought republished online April 20, 2017.
"The Crooked Sidewalk," an eThoughts devotional thought republished online April 6, 2017.
"Ever Heard of Caesar Rodney?, an eThoughts devotional thought republished online March 24, 2017.
"The Church Where Everyone Knows My Name," an eThoughts devotional thought republished online March 13, 2017.
"Reinventing Yourself,” an eTthoughts devotional thought published online March 8, 2012 (vol. 6, no. 3-13G).
"Horned Toads and Perseverance,” an eThoughts devotional thought published online February 2, 2012 (vol. 6, no. 02-08G).
"The Crooked Sidewalk,” an eThoughts devotional thought published online January 19, 2012 (vol. 6, no.01-01G.
“Overlooking the Christ Child,” an eThoughts devotional thought published online December 15, 2011 (vol. 6, no. 01-01G).
"A Church that Everyone Knows My Name,” an eThoughts devotional thought published online October 28, 2011 (no. 11-64G).
"Remember Christ – the ‘Who’ in Christmas,” an eThoughts devotional thought published online December 12, 2010 (no. 10-73G).
"The Great Chicago Fire," an eThoughts devotional thought published online July 8, 2010,
"Ringing the Bell," an eThoughs devotional thought published online April 15, 2010.
"Ever Hear of Caesar Rodney?," an eThoughts devotional thought published online March 26, 2010.
"Making End of Life Decisions," in Faith and Family Values, December 2009 (Issue 2, 2009), 10-11.
Eleven issues of Home Bible Study Guide, a correspondence Bible course offered by the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. April, 1979; July, 1980; February, 1981; February, 1982; May, 1982; October, 1982; July 1983; March, 1984; August, 1984; August, 1985; and an issue on salvation republished by the Home Mission Board.
Over fifty lessons in Sunday School Adults and Sunday School Young Adults in the Convention Uniform Series of Lifeway Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention, as well as contributions in The Adult Teacher, Adult Leadership, and teaching Kit (September 1986; June-August, 1988; September-November, 1989; December 1991-February 1992; and June-August 1995); and adult lessons in Pursuits (January-February, 1998; January-February 1999). Designing lesson outlines for the January, 1999 Life and Work lesson series.
Taught in twenty-one broadcasts of Good News over the ACTS/VISN television network (April, 1991; May-July, 1992; May-June, 1993; June-July, 1995).
Paper Presentations for Scholarly Meetings
“Eschatology Interacting with Ethics: The Theological Basis for Support for Slavery among Founders of the Southern Baptist Convention," presented at the Southwest Regional Evangelical Theological Association meeting on the campus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (April 2017).
"Genesis, Science, and Scriptural Authority at Old Princeton: A Response to Bradley Gundlach," presented at the Dabar Conference, sponsored by the Carl F. H. Henry Center, at Trinity International University, Chicago, on June 10, 2016.
"Who Decides? The Role of the Family in Bioethics Decisions," Evangelical Theological Society annual meeting, Bioethics division, in Atlanta, November 2015.
"Who Lives? Who Dies? Who Decides? Medical Ethics in the Real World," participant on a panel at Loyola University, sponsored by the Center for Medical Ethics of the Louisiana Right to Life Foundation, with Jennifer Popik, J.D.; Jeff White, M.D.; and Kevin Wildes, S.J., Ph.D. (March 2014).
“The Articles of Religious Belief,” Founder’s Day presentation in NOBTS Chapel (October 2013).
“Who Lives? Who Dies? Who Decides? Medical Ethics in the Real World," a panel discussion on Medical Ethics co-sponsored by the Center for Medical Ethics of the Louisiana Right to Life Foundation, the Baptist Center for Theology and Ministry, and the Institute for Faith in the Public Square at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, with Jeff White, M.D.; Mari Wirfs, Ph.D.; Jose Lavastida, S.T.D.; and Burke Balch, J.D. (September 2013).
"The Authority of Scripture,” a white paper produced for Advisory Committee on Calvinism in the SBC (November 2012).
“Worship Wars: Baptist Theology as Expressed in Our Hymns,” presented at the Baptist History and Heritage Society annual meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina (June 2012).
"Worship Wars: Theological Perspectives on Hymnody among Early Evangelical Christians,” presented at the Southwest Regional Evangelical Theological Society meeting at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (March 2012).
"Addressing Postmoderns in the Pew,” a presentation for students and alumni at both the North Georgia extension center in Marietta, Georgia (September 2012) and the South Georgia extension center in Warner Robbins, Georgia (October 2012).
Dialogue with Dr. Herschel York on Calvinism, and Panel Discussion, at “Calvinism – Concerned? Curious? Confused?” conference sponsored by the Kentucky Baptist Convention, Crestwood Baptist Church in Crestwood, Kentucky, August 4, 2012. The MP3 download of both presentations is available at
"Worship Wars: Baptist Theology as Expressed in Our Hymns,” presented at the Baptist History and Heritage Society annual meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina, June 8, 2012.
“Worship Wars: Theological Perspectives on Hymnody among Early Evangelical Christians,” presented at the Southwest Regional Evangelical Theological Society meeting at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, March 9, 2012.
"A Theological Protocol for Palliative Care,” training presentation for the Clinical Pastoral Education interns training at East Jefferson Hospital in Metairie, Louisiana (July 2011).
Two presentations at the “Evangelizing Eastern Religions” conference at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, including an overview of Eastern religions, including Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shinto, Sikhism, and Baha’i, 10/14-15, 2011.
“What Every Chaplain Needs to Know about Biomedical Ethics” presentation at the Chaplaincy: Ministering in Caesar’s House” conference at NOBTS, sponsored by the Institute for Faith and the Public Square, 10/22/11.
“’No Other Name’: Justification by Faith in Christ Alone,” a paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society in San Francisco, California in November 2011.
"Moral Qualifications for Pastoral Leadership," at the E4 Pastor's Conference at First Baptist Church in Pineville, LA, September 13-14, 2010, co-sponsored by NOBTS, SWBTS, Louisiana College, the Louisiana Baptist Convention, and FBC Pineville.
"Just the Facts, Please: Setting the Record Straight on Stem Cell Research," with Don Buckley, at the November 2009 Apologetics Conference on the campus of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, sponsored by the Evangelical Philosophical Society.
Two workshop sessions on "Preparing for Disasters and Pandemics," presenting "Disasters and Institutions: How We Survived Katrina and How We Plan to Survive the Next Disaster," with Dr. Mary Currier, Deputy State Health Officer for Medicine and Science at the Mississippi Public Department of Health, presenting "2009 H1N1 Influenza: Or How We Are Putting Pigs at Risk," for the Mississippi Association of Colleges and Universities 76th annual meeting at Mississippi College, October 5, 2009.
"What Is It? Eight Characteristics of Postmodernism," "Pluralism and Pain in Richard Rorty's Liberal Utopia," and "Truth for a Postmodern Era," at Confronting Postmodernism: An Interfaith Evangelism Workshop at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, October 16-17, 2009.
"A Biblical and Theological Critique of the Doctrine of Irresistible Grace," at the John 3:16 Conference sponsored by Jerry Vines Ministries at First Baptist Church in Woodstock, Georgia, in November 2008.
"A Theological Protocol for Palliative Care," presented at the February 2004 annual meeting of the Baptist Association of Ministers to the Aging, in New Orleans.
"Truth for a Postmodern Era," presented at the March 2004 Southwest regional meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society at Dallas Baptist College.
" Personal Identity and the Afterlife," at the November 2002 meeting of the Student Theological Fellowship of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
"Let's Get Real! Magritte and the Nature of Reality," a response to "Putting God in a Frame: The Art of Rene Magritte as Religious Encounter" by Scott Drumm, the Ola Farmer Lenaz Lecture at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in December 2001.
"Evangelical Theology in the Twenty-First Century," the Presidential Address for the April 2000 meeting of the Southwest regional Evangelical Theological Society at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
"Moral Weakness and Moral Virtue," at the March 1999 meeting of the Ethics section of the Southwest regional American Academy of Religion meeting in Dallas, Texas.
Chair of the section on environmental ethics and respondent to "How to Think about Environmental Ethics" by Norman Wirzba, at the Baptist Association of Philosophy Teachers biennial meeting at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, in September 1998.
"The Challenge of Postmodernism," at the April 1998 Scholar's Forum at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
"Peter Forrest’s Project of General Revelation: Personal Identity and the Afterlife," at the 1997 Evangelical Theological Society annual national meeting in Santa Clara, California.
"The Concept of the Sublime in Nineteenth Century American Landscape Painting," at the 1996 Southwest regional American Academy of Religion meeting in Dallas.
"Just How Subjective is Kierkegaard's Subjectivity?" in a 1996 lectureship at College of St. Thomas More in Fort Worth, Texas.
"Subjectivity in Kierkegaard: A Reassessment," at a 1993 Southwest regional Evangelical Theological Society meeting in Chicago.
"A New Look at Kierkegaard’s Epistemology," at the 1993 Southwest regional Evangelical Theological Society meeting at Dallas Theological Seminary.
"Animals and the Problem of Pain," at the 1992 Southwest regional American Academy of Religion meeting at Dallas.
"Singing the Songs of Zion in a Strange Land: A Southern Baptist Teaching Philosophy in a State College Setting," at the 1990 Baptist Association of Philosophy Teachers meeting at Baylor University.
"The Objective Pole in Kierkegaardian Epistemology," at the 1988 Baptist Association of Philosophy Teachers meeting at Belmont College.
"Lessing, Hegel, and Kierkegaard: Three Models for Religious Epistemology," at the 1987 Arkansas Philosophical Association meeting at Arkansas State University.
Book Reviews
Numerous book reviews in theSouthwestern Journal of Theology, Theological Educator, Criswell Theological Review, The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry, Faith and Mission, Catholic Books Review, Journal of Church and State, and the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1986-present). For a chronological list of the reviews by date of publication, see the CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF BOOK REVIEWS.
For a listing of reviews by topic, seeTOPICAL LIST OF BOOK REVIEWS, listed topically by book reviews addressing the following subject areas --
" The Nashville Statement" (on Biblical sexuality), by the Research Institute of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (August 2017)
" The Justice Declaration" (on the American justice system), an initiative of Prison Fellowship, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, the Charles Colson Center for Christian Worldview, and the National Association of Evangelicals (July 2017)
"A Statement regarding Biblical Issues in the 2004 Elections" (2004)
" Statement on Human Stem Cell Research" by the Fellows of the Research Institute of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (October 2004)
" Statement on Human Species Altering Technologies," by the Fellows of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, later approved as a resolution by the SBC (June 2006)