Spring Giving Days April 3-4. Click here to learn more

Biblical Archaeology

The Michael and Sara Moskau Institute of Archaeology and the Center for Archaeological Research serves to encourage the scholarly development and research in the disciplines of biblical archaeology and biblical studies.

The Michael and Sara Moskau Institute of Archaeology and the Center for Archaeological Research serves to encourage the scholarly development and research of the seminary faculty and students, seeking to train and inspire a new generation of biblical scholars to engage in current research in the disciplines of biblical archaeology and biblical studies. 

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary has a long history of involvement in Biblical Archaeology. For over half a century, seminary professors have served as directors and field supervisors for students who have participated in various archaeological research and field schools such as Aphek, Beersheba, Tel Masos, Batash-Timnah, Tel Qasile, Tel Beth Shean, Tel Rehov, Tel Gezer, and now Tel Hadid. Excavations have also been carried out at Sepphoris, unearthing the First-century water reservoir. The current leadership team brings a wealth of experience and direction to the archaeology program at NOBTS.

In the Summer of 2018, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary completed the excavation of Tel Gezer Water System Project in Israel and began a new dig at Tel Hadid in partnership with the Tel Aviv University.

The Center also hosts the Manuel Family Lectureship on Archaeology and the Bible and is having a lectureship series on the Archaeology of Ancient Israel. An announcement of future Manuel Family Lectureships will be forthcoming.

The Moskau Institute of Archaeology and the Center for Archaeological Research are ministries of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

3939 Gentilly Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70126

Archaeology Concentrations in Degrees at NOBTS

  • Master of Divinity - with specialization in Biblical Studies, with a concentration in Biblical Backgrounds and Archaeology
  • Master of Divinity - with specialization in Biblical Languages, elective courses in Biblical Backgrounds and Archaeology
  • Master of Arts - (Biblical Studies), with a concentration in Biblical Backgrounds and Archaeology
  • Master of Arts - (Biblical Archaeology)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - A minor in Biblical Backgrounds and Archaeology is offered within the Old Testament and New Testament majors
  • Archaeology and Biblical Backgrounds courses at NOBTS

Excavations & Publication Project

The Moskau Institute began excavations at Tel Hadid in 2018 in partnership with Tel Aviv University. Visit http://hadidexpedition.org for additional details about the site and the scope of the excavation.

2024 Tel Hadid Expedition

The Moskau Institute will continue the excavation work at Tel Hadid in 2024.

2024 Tel Hadid Expedition


June 12 - July 12, 2024 (4 weeks); Saturday, June 15 is the Jerusalem Introductory tour.


*Preference is given for those staying 2 weeks or more.

1 week $1000
2 weeks $2000
3 weeks $3000
4 weeks $4000

$100 per day for additional days

Airfare to Israel

Airfare is in addition to room and board prices. Participants are expected to make their own flight arrangements to Israel and email a copy of the itinerary to travelprograms@nobts.edu

Weekend Travel with Guide

We will arrange field trips to important Archaeological sites and regions of Israel (i.e. Caesarea Maritime, Galilee, Hazor, Jerusalem, Lachish, Masada, Megiddo, and others) Participants will be responsible for meals during the tours. 

Travel Schedule

Week 1 June 12-June 21

Week 2 June 19- June 28

Week 3 June 26-July 5

Week 4 July 3- July 12

Accommodations and Directions

The excavation project will be housed at Neve Shalom. The Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam (Oasis of Peace) Guest House is part of a unique community in which Jews and Arabs have chosen to live side by side. The students and staff will stay in the various double and quad rooms on the hotel grounds. These suites will be within a short walking distance of the excavation dighouse where all the lectures and processing of finds will take place. Neve Shalom is located close to everything in central Israel, just 30 minutes from either Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, or 20 minutes from Ben Gurion Airport. All guestrooms have air conditioning, telephone, television, and refrigerator. The dighouse and hotel lobby have wireless availability for all guests.

Neve Shalom

Visit the Neve Shalom websites for more information Here and Here.


Blanca Montero-Phillips (travelprograms@nobts.edu)
Dr. Dennis Cole (rdcole@nobts.edu)

Applications and Forms

Lectures at the Center for Archaeology Research

The Moskau Institute and the Center for Archaeological Research sponsor several lectures throughout the year. The Moskau Institute and CAR bring top scholars working in the field of biblical archaeology to report on recent findings and developments in the field. Most lectures are open to the public.

Can You Dig It?

The Archaeology Blog is updated periodically throughout our annual dig. Click HERE to jump to our blog.


Request a guided tour for your group.

Leadership Team