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Faculty Faculty Index

Dr. Norris C. Grubbs


Professor of New Testament and Greek


  • Ph.D., New Testament and Greek, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (2002)
  • M.Div. with Bib. Lang., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (1997)
  • B. A., Union University (1994)

Teaching Specializations

  • Greek and New Testament


(504) 816-8204 | ngrubbs@nobts.edu
Download Curriculum Vita


Norris Grubbs’s research and writing has focused on textual criticism, the Greek language, and the New Testament. He is also interested in helping students and lay readers understand the historical context of the early Christian culture as it relates to scripture. To that end, he has published numerous articles for Baker Bible Dictionary as well as in several scholarly journals. He also co-authored, with Dr. Francis Kimmitt, Word Studies Made Simple: How to Study the Bible in the Original Languages.

Dr. Grubbs also serves at the Provost at NOBTS and Leavell College, overseeing all academic programs. His desire to enable students to use their time in education for the Kingdom of God led him to co-author, with Dr. Cory Barnes, Kingdom Students: Skills to Succeed in Education and for the Rest of Your Life. Throughout his tenure at the seminary, Dr. Grubbs has continued to be involved with ministry in Louisiana and Mississippi, serving interim pastorates, as pulpit supply, and leading various weekend church events.

He and his wife, Kim, have three beautiful daughters.
