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Faculty Faculty Index

Dr. Jessica McMillan

Director of DMA Program

Assistant Professor of Music and Worship

Lallage Feazel Chair of Hymnology


  • D.M.A. (Worship and Hymnology), New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 2017
  • M.M.C.M. (Vocal Performance), New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 2000
  • B.A. in Music (Vocal Performance) and Spanish, University of South Alabama, 1995


(504) 816-8238 | jmcmillan@nobts.edu
Download Curriculum Vita


Jessica McMillan serves as the director of the Doctor of Musical Arts program and has taught at every educational level from pre-kindergarten through doctoral studies. She spent fifteen years as middle/high school choral director and Spanish teacher before becoming a university/seminary professor. She has served on staff at several churches as pianist and/or worship leader and serves as adjudicator and clinician for choral contests and events in schools and churches in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana. Her heart's desire is to see artistic excellence and authenticity applied to the area of music and worship in the church. Jessica is married to Roland, and they have two daughters, Hannah, and Sarah.
