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Faculty Faculty Index

Dr. Bill Warren

Professor of New Testament and Greek

Director of the H. Milton Haggard Center for New Testament Textual Studies

Landrum P. Leavell II Chair of New Testament and Greek


  • Additional studies at Seminario Biblico Latinoamericano, San Jose, Costa Rica, the University of West Florida, and the University of Southern Mississippi
  • Th.D./Ph.D., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
  • M.Div., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
  • B.S., Mississippi College
  • A.A., Okaloosa-Walton Jr. College

Teaching Specializations

  • Textual Criticism
  • History of the Bible
  • Social Settings of the New Testament,
  • Synoptic Gospels
  • Greek Grammar & Syntax


(504) 816-8190 | wwarren@nobts.edu
Download Curriculum Vita


Bill Warren’s research, writing, and academic presentations have focused especially in the areas of New Testament (NT) textual criticism, the social context of the NT, Koine Greek, and the Synoptic Gospels. He is the founding director of the H. Milton Haggard Center for New Testament Textual Studies, a leading North American setting for the study of NT Greek manuscripts. The CNTTS Critical Apparatus is a major textual tool for the field that provides a searchable electronic database for information from NT manuscripts in a format not offered elsewhere. Dr. Warren also serves on the Steering Committee of the International Greek New Testament Project, one of the most extensive research undertakings in the field of NT textual criticism.

Ministry experience includes service as a missionary professor in Colombia, ongoing teaching and mission work in Cuba, Colombia, and Mexico, and local church ministry. With over 40 years of ministry experience, he has served as pastor, assistant pastor, interim pastor, missionary, conference speaker, and new church starter.
