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Faculty Faculty Index

Dr. Greg Woodward

Professor of Conducting and Worship

Lallage-Feazel Chair of Church Music


  • Florida State University, PhD, Music Education
  • University of Southern Mississippi, Masters of Music Education
  • University of Southern Mississippi, Bachelor of Music Education

Teaching Specializations

  • Conducting
  • Music Technology
  • Director of choral activities
  • Choral literature
  • Music history
  • Creative arts for elementary teachers
  • Exploration of the Arts
  • Music appreciation
  • Theory fundamentals
  • Secondary voice
  • Introduction to MIDI
  • Introduction to music technology
  • Introduction to conducting
  • Advanced conducting
  • Private conducting


(504) 816-8212 | gwoodward@nobts.edu
Download Curriculum Vita


Greg is a native of New Orleans and lives in New Orleans with his wife, Michelle. They have six children (Isaac, Emma, Luke, Elijah, Elizabeth and Katy) and a grandchild (Paul). Greg is completing his twelfth year at NOBTS, where he serves as the coordinator for Worship and Church Music studies. He is Professor of Conducting and Worship and holds the Lallage Feazel Chair in Church Music. Greg has completed over 20 hours of post-graduate work at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, focusing primarily on language study and theology. He has presented several papers at the Southwest Regional Evangelical Theological Society on the topic of worship. Greg had the honor of contributing a chapter on worship and evangelism to the  2019 publication of Engage, a festschrift dedicated to the former President of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. Charles Kelley.  He recently published a textbook on conducting and worship band leadership,The Millenial Cantor and Conductor: From Jewish Cantillation to Contemporary Contexts, available as Rakuten Kobo e-book. He also recently published a short review of graduate music theory with a view toward historical context; this work is titled Graduate Music Theory: A Sacred Context Based Approach also available as an e-book on Rakuten Kobo. He is currently researching and writing on the topic of communal confession from the Second Temple period, with application to contemporary worship gatherings. 

Greg completed his Doctorate of Philosophy in Music Education at Florida State University. He holds a MME and BME from the University of Southern Mississippi and began his educational career at Jones Junior College in MIssissippi. Greg has served churches in Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana. He is currently serving as worship pastor and as a transition team member for a NAMB replant church in New Orleans. He was on faculty at Truett-McConnell University in GA, taught as a graduate student at Florida State University, and began his teaching career at Pascagoula High School in MS.
