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Geaux Therefore

The Official Blog of NOBTS and Leavell College

on Monday, April 19, 2021

Each semester that I teach a foundational course in Ministry to Women, I ask my students the question, What comes to mind when you think about ministry to women? Without fail, the answers that I receive depend on the generation of the student responding. Women have different perceptions based on their respective generations of how to gather for studying the Word, for community, for prayer, for worship, or for serving together. Yet, what students typically agree upon is that ministry to women is vital to the health of the church. Women need each other and need to be ministered to by one another.

What then is ministry to women? Ministry to women includes all of the various ways that women give and receive ministry to one another in the local church. If you are a woman, whatever your age, then ministry to women is for you! The terminology has morphed over the last few years to encompass a more holistic, less programmatic view of what it means to minister to women. As generations change, so does the way we do ministry. While methodology quickly transforms as we saw during the pandemic this last year, the core needs of women remain the same:

1) Women need a relationship with Jesus Christ

            Women all over the world need what we have to offer, an introduction to Jesus Christ. Even though this last year may feel like there have been fewer opportunities for face-to-face interaction, now is the easiest time to start a gospel conversation. Every person on planet Earth has something in common. We’ve all been through this pandemic, and everyone has a story to tell. Let’s not overlook the most basic ministry opportunity that abounds to us.

2) Women need to find their worth and value in Christ

            Not only do women need to know Christ as Savior, but also they need to know who they are in Him. While I’ve spent many years researching and helping younger women find freedom in who they are in Christ, I’ve begun to realize that older women struggle with this same issue. A multitude of possibilities exist to help women experience the freedom only Christ can bring.  

3) Women need the hope that only Christ can give

            This last year has left many people longing for hope. Life changed suddenly and dramatically for most of us, and those without Christ had no hope beyond the uncertainties of a daily changing health crisis. For women who have been caring for loved ones, serving as frontline healthcare workers, educating children, or dealing with the uncertainty of quarantines and employment, life has been overwhelming. The hope we have in Jesus gives us certainty in an uncertain world. What women do you know in your circles who need to be reminded of that today?

Regardless of the generation, we all have some common threads. If you have a desire to reach and disciple women of any age, the Ministry to Women Academic programs at NOBTS and Leavell College has a place for you to prepare. As part of the Prepare Her initiative, we desire for women to be theologically grounded servants of Jesus, to abide in the Word through a vibrant personal relationship with God, and to answer God’s call for ministry leadership. Take a class and check it out. I think you will find a new look for new generations. You never know what doors of opportunity God has in mind for you.

With that said, I’m thrilled to let you know that starting next year, we have some exciting new options for ministry to women.

If you are looking to pursue Graduate studies, you can take the:

All New Master of Divinity in Ministry to Women
This Master of Divinity degree will feature a specialization in Ministry to Women. If you want to go deeper in your studies, you can get a broad scope of Biblical studies, theology, and practical training in Ministry to Women through this degree.

All New Master of Arts in Ministry to Women

This Master of Arts degree is just 36 hours. If you feel called to prepare for ministering to women in some way, this degree is a great option for busy lifestyles. You will receive training in Biblical studies, theology, and practical training in Ministry to Women.

If you are a Leavell College student, you can study under the:

        All New Bachelor of Arts with a Ministry to Women Major or a Ministry to Women Minor

        This Bachelor of Arts degree will offer you the opportunity to earn your undergraduate degree while preparing for a variety of ministries to women. You will have the opportunity to study a wide array of topics in Biblical studies, theology, and applied ministry. 

In addition to great new degrees options, it’s our desire to offer spaces for women to connect and grow together during your time in seminary. With that in mind, we offer three great opportunities for women:

NOBTS Society for Women in Scholarship
The NOBTS Society for Women in Scholarship is an academic society that brings together current Doctoral and Graduate students as well as women faculty, alumni, and friends of the NOBTS academic community to develop academic gifts, strengthen scholarly practices, and promote contributions to the academy.

Together is the name of our Women’s Life programming at NOBTS and Leavell College. Together exists to create life-giving spaces for all women of NOBTS and Leavell College to regularly connect with one another, be strengthened in their walk with Christ, and encouraged as they serve in ministry.
Also if you are a student spouse, we have great training options for you as well through our Thrive program.

Thrive is a ministry wives certificate that prepares women for gospel ministry in their families, churches, and communities. Thrive merges biblical instruction and practical application in an academic, discipleship setting with faculty wives and fellow students. Thrive classes- and childcare- are offered for free to any student spouses.

For more info on these opportunities, connect with us at prepareher.com.