New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College prepare servants to walk with Christ, proclaim His truth, and fulfill His mission. The Global Mission Center is positioned as the hub of mission equipping and sending here at NOBTS as we seek to help our students, staff, and faculty fulfill His mission.
Thank you for your decision to support students. NOBTS is committed to God’s global purpose. We want every student to fulfill His mission, and President Dew challenges all students to participate in a short-term international mission trip during their course of study. When you give, you help them push back the darkness and eliminate lostness.
Disclaimer: Gifts designated to individuals are not considered tax-deductible per IRS Publication 526, page 6.
Prayer is a core value of the Global Mission Center. Christ's words call his followers to pray for His mission around the world: "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest" (Luke 10:2). Below are some resources to help you pray for God's work in New Orleans and among the nations.
Unreached of the Day | Joshua Project
Pray NOLA: World Religions Guide
Google Maps Guide (Includes prayer points)
Lunch & Learn
Commissioning Chapel
Click HERE to make a payment for your short-term mission trip.
The Global Mission Center offers short-term missions opportunities through the International Mission Board and North American Mission Board. These trips support the long-term work of missionaries on the field and give students an opportunity to participate in God's work around the globe. For full-time NOBTS and Leavell College students, each mission trip is attached to a fully scholarshiped class. Contact the Global Mission Center for more information.
*International trips are subject to minor date changes depending on flights
Check out these resources to help you fundraise for your mission trip.
Our trip leaders are an essential part of the training and sending process at the Global Mission Center. Below are some resources to help you further prepare students for your mission trip.
Mission Trip Leader Application
Mission Trip Leader Report Form
The Global Mission Center partners with the International Mission Board to mobilize students to mid-term and long-term missions. Interested students can reach out to IMB Campus Missionaries, Austin and Megan Holcomb (information in "Contact").
We would love to hear from you! Fill out our GMC Speaking Request Form to have one of our students, faculty, or staff connect with your church or organization.
GMC Front Desk
Dr. Greg Mathias
Associate Professor of Global Missions
Director, Global Mission Center
Jake Hines
Dr. Bobby Tinner
IMB Candidate Consultant