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on Monday, October 24, 2016

The New Orleans Christian Counseling Conference, Nov. 4, at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, aims to help professionals help those trapped in sexual addictions and pornography. 

“This conference is an opportunity for counselors and social workers to obtain continuing education hours from a Christian perspective in the area of addictions and its impact on family members,” said Dr. Kathy Steele, professor of psychology and counseling.

A Jan. 2016 Barna Group report, “The Porn Phenomenon,” stated that pornography has gone almost completely digital and that “sexting” among teenagers is rampant. The group reported that 62 percent of teens and young adults have received a sexually explicit image and 41 percent acknowledge receiving one. 

Social work and counseling continuing education credits for participants are available from these organizations: the Louisiana Association for Marriage and Family Therapy; National Board for Certified Counselors; and the National Association of Social Workers.

The registration fee of $90 for counseling professionals and $50 for ministerial staff includes lunch and refreshments. To register and for course information, visit www.nobts.edu/counselingconference. The deadline is Oct. 31. For information, email ccdivision@nobts.edu or call 504.816.8004. 

Workshops on a wide range of topics will be offered. Included are workshops for pastors seeking insight in helping their churches become aware, compassionate, and effective in caring for hurting people, Steele said.

Course offerings include: “Undressed to Kill: the destructive power of internet pornography and addiction”; “The Connection Between Substance Abuse & Neighborhood Homicide: Why New Orleans' homicide rates surpass the nation's and implications for change”; “Enabling Families to Cope Effectively with the Death of a Family Member”; “Working with Women Whose Husbands Have a Sexual Addiction,” and others.

For course descriptions and event schedule, visit www.nobts.edu/counselingconference. Registration deadline is Oct. 31.