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on Wednesday, September 15, 0017

Personal evangelism is deeply embedded in New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary’s identity. Reaching the lost has been a priority since day one. A century ago, as Southern Baptist leaders met to organize Baptist Bible Institute in New Orleans – later renamed New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary – they chose Matthew 28:19-20 as the school’s focal verse.

As a part of the seminary’s centennial celebration, NOBTS hopes to mobilize students, friends and alumni to engage in 100,000 Gospel conversations. A new phone app offering evangelism helps, a reporting tool, and follow-up assistance has been created to help track the progress of this goal.

"Our goal is for the New Orleans Seminary family to have 100,000 Gospel conversations to celebrate our 100th anniversary," NOBTS President Chuck Kelley said. "We think lifting up Jesus is the best way to celebrate what God is doing at NOBTS."

The goal is not designed to bring glory to New Orleans Seminary. It is an effort to rekindle the evangelistic fervor which has been the identity of the seminary since its inception. We hope to encourage Southern Baptist churches in their evangelism efforts and mobilize a new generation of personal evangelists who will engage the culture with the life-changing gospel of Jesus. In following His command to “make disciples” we are giving Christ all of the glory as people are reached and lives are changed.

Will you join us in this effort to make Christ known among the nations? Visit http://get.theapp.co/53c6 to download the app and start recording your gospel conversations.


100 Mission Efforts

At NOBTS missions and evangelism are inseparable. From the seminary’s earliest days when a bus marked “The Baptist Evangel” transported faculty and students throughout New Orleans for mission activities, carrying the gospel to those in need has been a priority.

The seminary has set a goal of going on 100 mission trips during the centennial year. The seminary will lead a number of trips, however, we also encourage our students and alumni to lead trips on their own to help us reach this goal. We want to hear about your mission efforts this coming year. Watch for ways to share about your mission experiences at www.nobts.edu/100.