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on Monday, March 9, 2020

The New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary administration is monitoring news and information related to COVID-19, the coronavirus that was recently identified in China and is now being detected in other countries and in parts of the US. At this time, Louisiana has identified one presumptive case of COVID-19. The seminary will take precautions to protect students, faculty and staff.

The CDC has issued travel advisories for Americans planning travel to countries affected by COVID-19.  The administration encourages the NOBTS family to be aware of these advisories and to follow CDC recommendations when planning international travel.

In order to keep the campus community safe and healthy, any faculty, staff, students, or those who live with them who are planning to travel outside of the US anytime over the next six months are required to notify the seminary.

The following resources can help members of the seminary community stay informed on the latest updates regarding the coronavirus:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: 

Coronavirus Disease 2019 Information for Travel:

Louisiana Department of Public Health:

The NOBTS administration will continue to monitor the situation and communicate with the entire campus community if guidelines change.  In the meantime, please follow these steps from the Louisiana Department of Health:

  • Wash your hands often and well. Supplement with hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Cover any coughs or sneezes with a tissue or with your elbow. Do not use your hands.
  • Clean surfaces frequently, such as countertops, light switches, cell phones and other frequently touched areas.
  • Contain – if you are sick, stay home until you are feeling better. Stay away from people who are sick. 
  • Call First – Call your doctor or provider for instructions if you are sick.  Avoid reporting to a medical office or clinic if you are symptomatic.