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on Thursday, July 2, 2020

Noted scholar and theologian Tyler R. Wittman has been appointed to the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary faculty. Wittman will begin his role as assistant professor of theology on August 1.

“We are absolutely thrilled to have Tyler Wittman and his family joining the NOBTS and Leavell College community to serve on our faculty,” said NOBTS President Jamie Dew. “Academically speaking, Tyler has already proven to be one of the best theologians in the SBC and I know he will serve our students well. His publication record is incredibly strong, and he is a fantastic instructor in the classroom.”

In addition to Wittman’s academic credentials and skill as a classroom instructor, Dew said Wittman is a humble, godly servant who will serve the NOBTS community well.

“Tyler and his family fit the ethos and mission of our wonderful institution,” Dew said. "Humility and godliness are two essential features in any faculty member that we hire at NOBTS. Tyler and his wife Jessie both embody these qualities and will be an exciting addition to our community of servants.”

“This is a great day for NOBTS and we are grateful that God has seen fit to bring Tyler and his family to us,” Dew said.

Wittman expressed his excitement about joining the NOBTS faculty and the opportunity to live and serve in New Orleans. He was especially encouraged by Dew’s vision for the school – a vision that leverages the seminary’s unique setting for ministry preparation.

“The context of New Orleans is full of opportunities and challenges that are good for theological formation and ministry,” Wittman said. “Dr. Dew said that New Orleans is a place where students can prepare to serve anywhere God calls them. I believe that.”

In the classroom, Wittman hopes to lead students to “dig deep wells” of theology which they can draw from throughout their time in ministry.

Wittman’s academic journey began at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary where he earned the master of divinity (M.Div.) and the master of theology (Th.M.) degrees. His promise as a theologian led him to the prestigious University of St. Andrews in Scotland. In 2016, Wittman was awarded the doctor of philosophy degree at St. Andrews for his dissertation, Confessing God as God: Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth on Theology and Economy.

While at St. Andrews, Wittman served as a postgraduate tutor and taught seminars on the doctrine of salvation and the doctrine of creation. After completing his Ph.D., Wittman was elected to the faculty of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. While serving on the SBTS faculty from 2017 to 2020, Wittman taught undergraduate, graduate and doctoral courses and supervised Th.M. students.

Echoing Dew’s excitement about the appointment, NOBTS Provost Norris Grubbs called attention to Wittman’s scholarship and his love for students.

“We are excited to add Dr. Wittman to the theology faculty at NOBTS,” said Provost Norris Grubbs. “He is active in the scholarly field while maintaining a love for students and the classroom.”

A frequent contributor to academic journals, Wittman’s articles have been published in International Journal of Systematic Theology, Modern Theology, Pro Ecclesia, and Studies in Christian Ethics. Wittman is the author of God and Creation in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth, published by
Cambridge University Press in 2018. His forthcoming book, Seeing Christ and the Trinity in Scripture: A Biblical Reasoning Toolkit, co-authored with Bobby Jamieson, is scheduled for publication in 2021.