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on Friday, December 17, 2021

Matthew Weaver (M.Div. ’16), ministries pastor of Vintage Church NOLA, felt the need as 2020 came to a close to “refocus” in his daily walk with Christ. From that journey has come Refocus: Twenty Encouraging Devotionals for the Christ Follower, a collection of devotionals to encourage believers in spiritual growth and in living out their faith.

Each day walks the reader through a different scripture and an action step, all of which Weaver found “foundational” in his walk with Christ. Space is provided with each devotional for the purpose of prayer and processing each devotional’s insights.

Ray Cummings and Scott Hanberry

An Advent devotional authored by two NOBTS alums presents Advent with a twist – a devotional whose  41-day journey (rather than 40) signals victory and deliverance. Scott Hanberry (D.Min., ’08, M.Div. ’98), pastor of Hardy Street Baptist Church, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and Ray Cummings (D.Min., ’01, M.Div., ’96), associate pastor of Hattiesburg Community Church, also in Hattiesburg, are the authors of Christmas Presence:  A 41 Day Advent Journey.

For believers around the world, Advent is a season of anticipation for the Christ Child, but it is more. Hope is anchored in a future advent and the return of Christ. This encouraging devotional will lift hearts with its focus on the hope, peace, love and joy of Advent and the anticipation of a future joy in Christ’s Second Coming.