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on Monday, March 15, 2021

Encouraging women to be strong academically as they answer God’s call, the newly launched NOBTS Society for Women in Scholarship challenges women to love God “with all their mind” (Luke 10:27).

“With over 40 women in our doctoral programs and many more in graduate programs, there was a huge need to provide a community for women to encourage and support each other in their callings,” said Dr. Emily Dean, faculty advisor.

Dean added that the Society will support members as they contribute to the academy and pointed to the Society’s mission statement saying the community creates a space for women interested in academia “to network, encourage one another, and strengthen scholarly practices.”

Women are enrolled at every academic level at NOBTS and every degree program is open to women. NOBTS also offers several degrees at the graduate and undergraduate level that specialize in ministry to women. New this fall are two graduate degrees—an M.Div. with a specialization in Ministry to Women and an M.A., Ministry to Women. Visit https://prepareher.com/ for more information.

Membership in the Society is two-tiered, depending on the applicant’s current academic status.

Current students—both on-campus and distance-learning—may apply as Society Members. Applicants must be enrolled in a masters or doctoral program at NOBTS, maintain a grade point average of 3.5 or higher, contribute regularly to the academy and the society, and attend two-thirds of the Society’s regularly scheduled meetings during the academic year. Meetings will be available via internet.

The Professional Associate membership tier is available to NOBTS alums with a masters or doctoral degree, faculty members, and closely connected friends of NOBTS who are contributing to the academic community. Associate members are welcomed and encouraged to attend meetings and to contribute to the Society and the academy, but not required to do so.

Members’ dues of $25 per academic year will offset costs of hosting Society events and meetings. Applications will be accepted and reviewed through March. Acceptance responses will be delivered by March 31.

For an application or for more information, contact Dr. Emily Dean at edean@nobts.edu.