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PhD Studies:
Stand-Alone ThM

Preparing You for Academic Success

If a future PhD applicant has nine or more hours of masters-level prerequisite courses to complete, it would be beneficial to apply to the stand-alone ThM program to complete his or her leveling work. Additionally, a PhD applicant may be granted admittance to the stand-alone ThM program by the faculty rather than the PhD program. After completing the ThM, the student may reapply for the PhD program. The two PhD seminars, one reading seminar, and Introduction to Research and Writing, will all transfer toward the PhD upon a potential future acceptance into that program after earning the ThM.

Program Outline

Upper-Level Masters Courses (12 hours)
  • 4 Upper-Level Masters Courses in Specified Major (12 hours)
PhD-Level Courses (14 hours)
  • Intro to Research & Writing (3 hours)
  • 2 PhD Seminars (8 hours)
  • Reading Seminar I (3 hours)
ThM Capstone
  • ThM Portfolio (1 hours)
Total Required: 27 hours

Ready to Apply?

Let's Get Started!

Click below to create an account, start your application, and submit your supplemental items!

For program questions, email our Program Coordinator

For application questions, email doctoraladmissions@nobts.edu