Spring Giving Days April 3-4. Click here to learn more

Request to Audit a Course

Auditing courses at NOBTS and Leavell College is a great way to continue learning no matter your current education level! No matter your current education level, we have options for you to prepare here to serve anywhere.


Auditing courses cost $50 per course and are subject to availability. There are two steps to auditing courses at NOBTS and Leavell College:

  1. Become a student! You can click here for the audit student application, and this form serves as an application into NOBTS. Upon completion, the Admissions Office will follow up concerning next steps. Already an active student? Proceed to step 2!
  2. Complete the Request to Audit Form for each course that you would like to audit. You'll need to have your student portal account set up (from step 1). 

Please reach out to the Registrar's Office for any questions.

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