New Testament and Greek Resources

Discussion Groups and Listservs

  • ACTS-L: dedicated to the "Acts of the Apostles." To join this group, send the message "subscribe ACTS-L" (without the quotation marks), followed by your name, to for discussion on the book of Acts and critical issues
  • ANCIEN-L: dedicated to topics relating to the history of the Ancient Mediterranean. To join this list, send the message "subscribe ANCIEN-L" (without the quotation marks), followed by your name, to listserv@ulkyvm.louisville.eduforum for discussion of the Ancient Mediterranean
  • ANE: dedicated to topics related to the ancient Near East up to the rise of Islam. To join this list, send the message "subscribe ANE" (without the quotation marks) to site for topics relating to Ancient Near East
  • B-GREEK: forum for New Testament and Greek studies -- to subscribe
  • CHRISTLIT: discussion featuring interrelations between Christianity and Literature -- to subscribe
  • CLASSICS: discussion of ancient Greek and Latin subjects -- to subscribe
  • ELENCHUS: discussion of thought and literature of Christianity AD 100-500 -- To subscribe write to with the message "subscribe elenchus your name."
  • INTRO_GREEK: for beginning students of introductory Greek -- To subscribe send the message "subscribe intro_greek" to
  • JOHNLITR: dedicated to the study of the Gospel of John. To join this list, send the message "subscribe JOHNLITR" (without the quotation marks), followed by your name to
  • PERSEUS: informal forum for users of the Perseus Project -- to subscribe
  • SSREL-L: Scientific Study of Religion -- to subscribe
  • TC-LIST: discussion for matters relating to biblical textual criticism -- to subscribe

Internet Resources

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