Spring Giving Days April 3-4. Click here to learn more

Student Organizations

The Student Life Office is privileged to work closely with the student organizations of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. A brief description is provided for each organization.  Please contact the Student Life Office for more information at campuslife@nobts.edu or 504.816.8427.

NOBTS Student Counselor Association

This student association seeks to encourage and foster a community that will aid in professional development and promote the collaboration of diversified skills and talents as each individual pursues the call of God in the counseling ministry. We seek to provide opportunities for training and certification in various counseling skills areas. The NOBTS Student Counselor Association welcomes students/faculty of all backgrounds who are interested.

Black Seminarians

Black Seminarians exists to provide a safe space for Black students of both Leavell College and NOBTS. They offer Bible studies and other fellowship opportunities, as well as encourage diversity on our campus. 

Christian Association of Student Social Workers

This fellowship is designed to create professionalism and camaraderie among social work students on campus.

Christian Home Educators Support System

CHESS is an organization consisting of families within the seminary who participate in the home education of their children.

Dead Preachers Society

The purpose of the Dead Preachers Society is to encourage preachers in the passionate proclamation of His word through weekly meetings and other special events.

Hispanic Student Fellowship

The purpose of this organization is to encourage the spiritual growth of Hispanic students of
the Seminary and Leavell College and promote fellowship among them and other students who
sense a calling or interest to work in ministries within the Hispanic population.

Korean Student Fellowship

This organization helps care for Korean students by encouraging and equipping them spiritually and physically to do the work of God.

Student Chaplain Fellowship

The Chaplain Fellowship is a student-led, faculty-sponsored organization established to build a healthy and strong Christian fellowship that will equip students for Spirit-led chaplaincy ministries beyond seminary. This organization provides fellowship, learning, and resources to NOBTS students interested in chaplaincy.

Student Theological Fellowship

Student Theological Fellowship is a student-led organization whose purpose is to complement and enrich the student's theological education.


Together is the name of our Women's Life organization. Click here to read the heart and purpose statement of Together and learn more about the yearly schedule of events and opportunities to connect with other women on our campus, as well as meet the leadership team or connect with the Women's Life Coordinator, Heather Johnson.

Text and Trowel Society

The Text and Trowel Society endeavors to provide opportunities for professional development and strengthening of academic skills, in order to help students meet and surpass personal, spiritual, academic, and career goals. We seek to foster a community of Biblical Studies and Biblical Archaeology students who will help to aid each other professionally and spiritually and to bring awareness to the importance of biblical studies and archaeology to the biblical text. The Text and Trowel Society is open to all Biblical Studies and Biblical Archaeology students/alumni. 

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