All offices will be closed and class meetings cancelled on Wednesday, 1/22. Stay tuned for further communication regarding any future closures/cancellations.

Dead Preachers Society

"Crucified preaching can only come from a crucified man."

-E.M. Bounds


Imagine Christ-centered preachers like Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, John Knox, John Broadus, John Wesley, George Whitefield, John Calvin, and Martin Luther gathered around a small room with seminary students discussing Christian ministry. Hear these "dead preachers" dialogue about the anointing of the Holy Spirit through the prayer life of the preacher. Listen to them discuss the primacy of the Word and the supremacy of God's glory. Study their zeal for taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to the unbelieving world.

Imagine a society of contemporary preachers who have laid their lives at the foot of the cross and risen with a passion to carry the mantle of biblical preaching passed down to them by great men of the past. We have imagined it, and we long for it to be a reality.


The fall semester of 2002 marked the inauguration of The Dead Preachers Society. Inspired by the heroes of our faith, The Dead Preachers Society is a fraternity of ministers who want to die to self in order to live wholly for Christ - with great passion and biblical faithfulness. Through weekly meetings, The Dead Preachers Society hopes to carry on the historic tradition of God's servants who were passionate about God's Word and the glory of Christ.


Believing E.M. Bounds statement, "Crucified preaching can only come from a crucified man," the society will do two primary activities each week: (1) study the life, theology, and ministries of faithful preachers that have gone before us, and (2) seek God in prayer for the Spirit's power in our lives and ministries today. Periodically, we will also ask selected visiting preachers to speak to us during our meetings, discussing something pertaining to prayer and preaching. We will also dialogue, on occasion, about particular issues related to contemporary preaching.


It is our prayer that this preaching fraternity would build authentic community and cultivate a great desire for the presence of God. Certainly, in a day in which ministry gets more and more difficult, ministers should lean on one another to gain encouragement and insight. Jonathan Edwards was right when he stated:

Ministers, at this day in a special manner, should act as fellow-helpers in their great work. It should be seen that they are animated and engaged, that they exert themselves with one heart and soul, and with united strength, to promote the present glorious revival of religion; and to that end should often meet together, and act in concert. And if it were a common thing in the country, for ministers to join in public exercises, and second one another in their preaching, I believe it would be of great service.1

You are welcome to join us at the next Dead Preachers Society as we meet together and "act as fellow-helpers" in this great work of proclaiming God's Word.

Jonathan Edwards, Works of Jonathan Edwards, Vol. One [book on-line]; available from; accessed 14 May 2007, emphasis added.
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