Spring Giving Days April 3-4. Click here to learn more

Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What can I do on NOBTS-owned equipment? 
  2. Where are the computer labs located?
  3. When are the computer labs open?
  4. What kind of software is installed on the computers?
  5. Are the NOBTS Labs open to the public?
  6. Does NOBTS have a public wireless network?
  7. How do I connect to the wireless network?
  8. Is the wireless network reliable and safe?
  9. How do I unlock for my password?
  10. How do I submit an ITC Service Request?
  11. How do I get help with Blackboard?
  12. How do I get help with Self-Serve?
  13. How do I get help with email?
  14. How can I request the purchase of equipment & software?
  15. Can software and computers be purchased through ITC?

What can I do on NOBTS-owned equipment? 

NOBTS values godly character and excellence, therefore has established policies for proper usage the seminaries technology resources. The seminary prohibits usage for illegal activity, excessive leisurely activity, and activities that would be contrary to wholesome Christian character. For the complete policy, so the Appropriate Use policy is in the student handbook.

Where are the computer labs located?

The Computer Labs are located in Suite 202 of the Luter Student Center.

When are the computer labs open?

During the Fall and Spring Semester, The Computer Labs are opened from 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Monday through Thursday and Friday 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. During summer, spring, and fall breaks, the Labs are open Monday through Friday 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. The Computer Labs are closed on holidays recognized by the Seminary. See the Campus Calendar for school closings

What kind of software is installed on the computers?

The Computer Labs have Windows-based PC’s available for use. Some computers have scanners attached. The Computers have numerous software packages installed: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), WordPerfect, and SPS for statistics. The labs provide printing services at 5 cents ($0.05) per page.

Are the NOBTS Labs open to the public?

The NOBTS Computer Labs are not public labs, and use is restricted to the students, faculty, staff and their respective families of NOBTS. 

Does NOBTS have a public wireless network?

NOBTS offers a public wireless network service. To find out more about our WiFi, go to www.nobts.edu/wifi.

How do I connect to the wireless network?

For instruction on how to connect to the network, go to www.nobts.edu/wifi or visit the ITC. NOBTS is not responsible to troubleshoot personal devices' ability to connect.

Is the wireless network reliable and safe? 

NOBTS installs only professional grade equipment for the wireless network, but NOBTS does not warrant the reliability of the network, guarantee uptime, or guarantee any quality of services for this network. As connecting to any public network, there are risks involved. Make sure you have current firewall software and virus protection before you connect to the NOBTS or any wireless network. Although NOBTS attempts to help protect computers connected to the network, NOBTS is not responsible for any damages that might occur while connected to the network. All content viewed on our public WiFi is filtered for malicious content or inappropriate sites.

How do I unlock my password?

After 3 attempts to logon, the system will automatically lock users out to prevent anymore logon attempts. If you are accidentally locked out, please wait 30 minutes and try again or contact ITC (504-816-8180) to have your account unlocked. To change your password, check the Admin Polices for instructions.

How do I submit an ITC Service Request?

NOBTS Staff and Faculty can request ITC services on seminary owned and operated equipment. To submit a request, email itcsupport@nobts.edu or call 504-816-8180 to submit a request. Please include the NOBTS Barcode, the location of the device, your name, email address, and the nature of the request.

 How do I get help with Canvas?

For additional assistance with Canvas, call 504-816-8180 or email canvas@nobts.edu.

How do I get help with Self-Serve?

For assistance with Self-Serve, call 504-816-8180 or email selfserve@nobts.edu.

How do I get help with email?

For assistance with your NOBTS email account (faculty and staff) call 504-816-8180. If you are able to send email, you can request assistance at netadmin@nobts.edu.

NOBTS does not provide students with email.

How can I request the purchase of equipment & software?

Faculty and staff should consult with division chairs, department directors, or program directors to purchase equipment or software. Request should be made through Dr. Laurie Watts at 504-816-8180.

Can software and computers be purchased through ITC? 

NOBTS does not resell or install software for students. Some retailers offer student discounts on software. Check with your retailer before purchasing software.

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