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Wireless Internet Access

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary provides wireless internet access available free of charge to students, faculty, staff, and those affiliated with the seminary. These “hot spots” are located all around campus in the academic and administrative buildings.

WiFi Connection Instructions

Basic Configuration Settings








Security Key:

(Effective 7/7/21)

Antivirus Required for WiFi Use

When using the Wi-Fi at NOBTS,  we require each user to have active antivirus software installed on their computer that scans regularly for possible threats. Computer viruses travel very quickly from device to device on a public network, hence, if we detect a virus on your device, we will be forced to prohibit you from using our internet. If you would like to know more about what viruses are,  click here.

For a list of free antivirus programs review and download, visit this article from PC Mag.  http://www.pcmag.com/article2/ 0,2817,2388652,00.asp

A common misconception is that Apple products do not need antivirus protection.  This is false . If you own a Mac and do not have an antivirus installed, you are at risk. To see a list of free antivirus products for Apple devices and how they rank, visit this article from Tom’s Guide.  http://www.tomsguide.com/us/ best-antivirus,review-2588-6. html

A list of buildings currently containing wireless “hot spots” include:

  • Bunyan Classroom Building (6)
  • Carey Hall (13)
  • Dean of Chapel Office (1)
  • Dodd Faculty Building (7)
  • Doris Kelley Showers of Blessing Resource Center (R)
  • Frost Administrative Building (10)
  • Hamilton Hall (10)
  • Hardin Student Center (HSC) - Including Leavell College and Cafe (11)
  • John T. Christian Library (2)
  • Leavell Center for Evangelism (8)
  • Leeke Magee Christian Counseling Center (12)
  • Lipsey Hall (6)
  • Perry R. Sanders Center for Ministry Excellence Building (3)
  • Preschool Building (T)
  • President and Faculty Guest Apartments (C-East Side)
  • President's Home (A)
  • Providence House (Hamm & Henry Halls, NOT Williams Hall) (Across street from HSC)
  • Recreation Center (S)
  • River City Cafe (Cafeteria) (5)
  • Sellers Building (4)
  • VIP Apartments (13-Middle Apartments)
  • WBSN Building (2nd Floor)

*Each number or letter corresponds to a building on the campus map. To view the Campus Map, click here .

Acceptable Use

All users are expected to use NOBTS’ wireless access in a legal and responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which it is provided.

While using the wireless network, users should not violate federal, state, or local laws, including:

  • Fraud/Malicious Use – Users are prohibited from misrepresenting themselves as another user; attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others; seeking unauthorized access to any computer system, or damaging or altering software components of any network or database
  • Illegally Downloading and Distributing Copyrighted Material - U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code) prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principles of "fair use". Users may not copy or distribute electronic materials without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

In addition, while using the wireless network, the user is prohibited from:

  • Viewing, receiving, or transmitting of pornographic, inappropriate, or harmful material. Access to or display of obscene language and sexually explicit graphics is strictly prohibited and, if detected, will result in disciplinary action.

Terms and Conditions of Use

  • You will need a notebook/laptop computer or other device equipped with a wireless adapter that supports the WiFi 802.11g/n/ac standards.
  • NOBTS assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment; Users must keep their equipment with them at all times and may only use electrical outlets in public areas. Users are prohibited from connecting to open ethernet jacks via a wired connection on campus.
  • Printing access is not available via the wireless connection. If users need to print, they should save their work to a portable storage device (e.g. USB flash drive) or wait to print a document on a home printer. (An alternative to printing is to email files to one's email account and print in one of our computer labs.)
  • NOBTS along with the Information Technology Center is not responsible for providing technical assistance. NOBTS assumes no responsibility for laptop configuration, security, or changes to data files resulting from connection to NOBTS’ Public Network and cannot guarantee that a user’s hardware will be compatible with the NOBTS wireless connection
  • If a user has problems accessing the Internet over these connections, ITC staff is not obligated to make changes to the user's network settings or perform any troubleshooting on the user's personal device. Users should refer to their owner's manuals or other support services offered by their device manufacturer.
  • NOBTS has tried to ensure wireless access is available throughout the buildings listed above. However, users may encounter occasional "dead spots" where wireless reception may be limited or an access point is malfunctioning. If you have trouble accessing the WiFi or staying connected, please move to a different location in one of the buildings where access is available.
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