Spring Giving Days April 3-4. Click here to learn more

Student Services

             **학생을 위한 학교 요청양식들**


1. 대학원

NOBTS Student Request Forms

Withdrawal form

장학금신청 (Scholarship Application)

성적증명서 (Official Transcript)

Spousal Tuition Discount program

수강신청 (Student Portal Homepage)

캔버스 사용(Canvas)


NOBTS 행정 담당자

입학,  I-20 문의, 복학에 관한 문의 Admissions Counselor, admiss@nobts.edu / regsec@nobts.edu

졸업문의, 학점인정문의 Academic Counselor, acadcoun@nobts.edu

재학생 등록문의  Assistant Registrar, asstreg@nobts.edu

성적증명서, 재학증명서 문의 Transcript Officer, transcript@nobts.edu

Main Phone Number

 504-282-4455 ext. 3304

 800-662-8701 ext. 3304

2. 대학교(학부)

Leavell College Student Request Forms

장학금 신청 (Scholarship Application)

Control Sheet Request Form

성적증명서 (Transcript Request Form)

Transient Student Letter Request

Spousal Tuition Discount program

수강신청 (Student Portal Homepage)

캔버스 사용 (Canvas)

Leavell College 행정 담당자

입학 담당:  leavelladmissions@nobts.edu

등록 문의:   lcasstreg@nobts.edu

성적증명서, 재학증명서 문의: Transcript Officer,  transcript@nobts.edu

Main Phone Number

(504) 282-4455 ext. 8590

(800) 662-8701 ext. 8590 


 NOBTS Student Service List

 Advising-Graduate Program

studentservices@nobts.edu;504.282.4455x3312; Website 

Advising-Undergraduate Program

lcadminasst@nobts.edu;504.816.8590 ; Website 

Church Minister Relations(for ministry jobs)

cmr@nobts.edu;504.282.4455 x3291; Website 

Financial Aid

financialaid@nobts.edu; 504.282.4455 x3348; Website

PREP(help to avoid student debt)

Prepassistant1@nobts.edu;504.816.8091 ; Website    

Gatekeeper-NOBTS news

pr@nobts.edu;504.816.800 ; Website  

Information Technology Center

itcsupport@nobts.edu;504.816.8180 ; Website 

Help with Blackboard

blackboardhelpdesk@nobts.edu;504.816.8180 ; Website  


library@nobts.edu;504.816.8018 ; Website   

Online library resources

library@nobts.edu ;504-816-8018; Website 

Writing and Turabian style help

library@nobts.edu;504.816.819 ; Website 

Guest Housing(Providence Guest House)

ph@nobts.edu;504.282.4455 x4455; Website  

Student Counseling

lmccc@nobts.edu;504.816.8004 ; Website   

Women’s Programs

womensacademic@nobts.edu;504.282.4455.x 3334;  Website  

This is a partial list of NOBTS student services available to all students, no matter your delivery system or location. 

If you have questions or do not see what you need here, please refer to  www.nobts.edu/studentservices , email us at  studentservices@nobts.edu , or call the Dean of Students office at 800-662-8701, ext. 3283.

We are glad to assist you!

For additional library resources in your state, check  http://www.nobts.edu/library/interlibrary-loan.html (GALILEO for Georgia Students)


Technical Support

Need technical assistance? Contact the ITC today!
Selfserve@nobts.edu  - Email for  technical  questions/ support   requests with the   Selfserve.nobts.edu site

Canvas@nobts.edu - Email for technical questions/ support requests with the NOBTS Canvas Learning Management System.
ITCSupport@nobts.edu  - Email for general technical questions/ support requests.
504.816.8180  - Call for any technical questions/ support requests.
www.NOBTS.edu/itc/  - General NOBTS  technical help information is provided on this website.
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