How to Get Started

How to Get Started


Step 1: Register for Course 

Register for a mentoring class through your student portal or by visiting the Registrar Office. Once you have registered, the Mentoring Office will contact you. 

Step 2: Select a Mentor 

Once the mentoring office has contacted you, the next step is to select your mentor. 

Ensure your chosen mentor meets the following criteria: 

  • At least 5 years of ministry experience.
  • Holds a master’s degree. 
  • Has relevant experience in the field of study you will be focusing on. 
  • Potential mentors include pastors, ministry colleagues, or professors with whom you have an existing or desired mentor relationship.  
  • Mentors cannot be direct family members.
  • Ideally, mentors and students should be of the same gender.  

Once you have selected your mentor, follow one of the following steps: 

  • For Returning Mentors: If your mentor has mentored with NOBTS before, they do not need to resubmit an application. Email the mentoring office with your mentor's name to confirm their status. 
  • For New Mentors: If your mentor has not been previously approved, have them submit the mentor application below. 
  • Unsure About Status: If you are uncertain whether your mentor is approved, contact the mentoring office at to verify their status. 

Approval of your mentor must be completed before the last day of drop/add, or you will be withdrawn from your class. 

Mentor Application 


Step 3: Send Mentor Training Videos 

By the end of the first week of the semester, your mentor must complete the mentor training linked below, which includes short videos on responsibilities, the importance of mentoring, weekly meeting expectations, and required documents for accreditation. 

Mentor Training Video #1 

Mentor Training Video #2 

Mentor Training Video #3 


Step 4: Complete Mentor Agreement 

Once your mentor has completed the training videos, the final step is to have them fill out the form linked below. This should be completed by the end of the first week of the semester.  

Mentor Agreement & Training Verification 

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