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PhD Studies:

Why Evangelism?

"At New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, we are concerned about not only theological excellence in the academy but also practical relevance for contemporary ministry through the local church. In the seminars that I teach in the Evangelism major including revival and spiritual awakening and evangelistic preaching, I attempt to stimulate your mind and inspire your heart in this most important discipline for both the academic and the ministerial worlds. I love studying the discipline of Evangelism because the biblical, theological, historical, and practical aspects of the discipline allow me to see how God has worked in the past, how He is working in the present, and how He can work in the future to extend His Kingdom through His Church attempting to fulfill the Great Commission until Jesus comes again!"

Dr. Preston Nix, Professor of Evangelism and Evangelistic Preaching

Faculty Supervisors

Dr. Preston Nix

Faculty Bio

Dr. Jake Roudkovski

Faculty Bio

Sample Courses

A study is made of the origin and growth of revivalism and its impact upon evangelism and church expansion in the 20th century. The European and American contexts will be the primary focus. Attention also is given to past and present evangelistic preaching and to the evangelistic history of the Southern Baptist Convention.

This seminar will examine the biblical and theological basis and approaches to evangelism and disciple making. The early church will be examined as to why and how it engaged in spreading the life-changing message of Christ as well.

This seminar is a study of the most current positive issues and potentially dangerous issues that are emerging in evangelism and church growth. In addition to researching the latest printed resources to discover and discuss issues, students will gain new information through the construction and implementation of surveys and other data-gaining devices.

Ready to Apply?

Prerequisites for PhD in Evangelism:

  • MDiv or MA degree
  • 12 credit hours of Masters-level Evangelism courses
  • 6 credit hours of Biblical Greek, Hebrew, Statistics, or a Research Language (French, German, Latin, etc.)