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Clinical Pastoral Course Credit

Students who qualify for the Doctor of Ministry Program and have completed level 3 training or higher can earn credit for the Clinical Pastoral Education Course. While the D.Min. does not offer a clinical pastoral track, students may specialize in one of the standard D.Min. tracks or may specialize in pastoral counseling, and then complete a project in the field of clinical education.

  • Validation of completion of the Clinical Pastoral Education is required through Certificate of Achievement and Evaluation.
  • For the purpose of degree requirements, a student given this designation must first take the Program Overview and Research Writing Workshop and at least one seminar in their first trimester of course work. 
  • During the inquiry or application process, notify the Professional Doctoral office of your interest in receiving Clinical Pastoral Education credit. 

Credit Transfer

Credit for the Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) is not to exceed six hours, or two seminars. Students must register for these credits prior to registration for the Project in Ministry Design Workshop. Students may use the following CPE courses as Pastoral Counseling Specialization Seminars. Students may transfer in one or two of the following courses:

  • PMPE8300 Clinical Pastoral Education 1
  • PMPE8301 Clinical Pastoral Education 2


The Clinical Pastoral Education credit hours will be charged to the student account at the current NOBTS rates for SBC and/or Non-SBC students. The students will be charged “full tuition” for the courses they are transferring.