These gifts have the same benefits to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary as cash. However, a gift of securities may be more beneficial to you, the donor, than gifts of cash.
With a gift of marketable securities that have been held longer than one year, you receive a charitable deduction equal to the full fair market value (FMV) of the securities. The Fair Market Value is determined by the average of the high and low sales prices of the securities on the gift date.
*A deduction of securities is limited, in any one year, to 30% of the adjusted gross income (AGI) of the amount of the gift, with the same five-year carry over provision.
*You avoid gift and estate taxation, to which cash gifts are subject, and you also avoid paying taxes on capital gains on the appreciation in the value of the securities. This can be a major benefit to you if you have have held securities over a few years and if they have grown in value.
Stock Transfer