Spring Giving Days April 3-4. Click here to learn more

Regulations and Procedures

Housing Regulations and Procedures   (click here to sign)


  • Rent is due in the Business office on the first day of each month.
  • Rent rates may increase or decrease after being reviewed in June, with any changes taking affect in August.
Rental Unit
  • Your unit may only be occupied by dependents that are listed on your rental agreement.
  • All furniture and appliances owned by the seminary must remain in the unit at all times.
  • Residents are not permitted to transfer to a different unit without prior authorization from the Director of Housing.
  • Residents are not permitted to enter a vacant unit without prior authorization from the Director of Housing.
  • For apartments, if a guest is staying in the unit for more than 4 days, notify the Housing Office via email. Include the guest's full name, home address, and dates they will be on campus. (Dorm and Courtyard residents, see below for guest instructions.)
  • No modifications are to be made to the electrical or plumbing system.
  • For the installation of a bidet or any other devices, the resident will be responsible for all costs and will need to contact Facilities.
  • Water is included in the rent for all residents.
  • Residents living in apartments (except Dorms and Courtyard) must set up an Entergy account (1-800-368-3749) for their electric bill (and gas, if applicable).
  • Cable and Internet can be set up by contacting our Cox Communications representative. Contact information is available through the Housing Office.

Fire Safety

  • Tampering with a smoke detector or other fire suppression resources is strictly prohibited and viewed as deliberate vandalism of seminary property.

Right of Entry

  • The seminary reserves the right to enter a student’s apartment/dorm room to check conditions, perform repairs, routine maintenance, and to respond to emergencies. A hang tag will be placed on the door one to two days before pest control or air filters are changed. 
  • Residents must obtain a parking decal from Campus Police to register their vehicle including; trailers, boats, and campers.
  • One parking space is provided per residence. All other vehicles must be parked adjacent to the building or in the overflow parking lot.
  • Residents must only park in assigned parking areas. Please do not park on the grass due to the possibility of damaging the old water and sewer lines.
  • Trailers, boats, and campers must be parked in the overflow parking lot.
  • Violations of regulations will result in booting or towing. This also applies to guests.

Quiet Hours

  • Quiet Hours for apartments are from 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. and for the dorms and Courtyard from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
  • In accordance with the fire marshal and our policies as a seminary, no items are to be stored outside an apartment.
  • Breezeways, hallways, and stairwells must stay clear of all personal belongings, including shoe racks, strollers, children's toys, etc. A welcome mat is allowed outside the door, and wreaths may be hung on the door. 
  • Bikes are to be stored and labeled on the bike racks. Grills are also to be labeled and stored on the concrete picnic area.
  • Draping items over apartment balconies is prohibited.

Vehicle Registration

  • Register all vehicles including bikes, scooters, skateboards, etc. through the Campus Police office located in the Hardin Student Center.


  • Residents must comply with the policy listed in the Student Handbook as well as the complete NOBTS Pet Ownership Policy. Animals must be approved by the Housing Director before they are brought to campus. Contact the Housing Office for more information regarding pets on campus and to receive a copy of the NOBTS Pet Ownership Policy.


  • The Seminary does not allow residents to paint their assigned unit. Please be advised that if you do paint, you will forfeit the refundable portion of your deposit and will be responsible for any other additional costs to return the unit to a rentable condition.


  • If something in your unit needs to be fixed you can submit a work order through myschoolbuilding.com, by emailing facilities@nobts.edu, or by calling Facilities at 504-282-4455 ext. 3230. Please include your physical campus address and contact information. Normal work orders will be acted upon within 48 hrs., or information will be left notifying the resident of the status of the work order.
  • In case of an emergency work order, after hours or during the weekend, call Campus Police at 504- 944-7711.
  • Pest Control and AC maintenance is performed every month. The technician will hang a notice on the door at least 24 hours prior to treating and will leave a notice after the treatment is complete.


  • Trash can be placed inside one of the trash receptacles  at anytime. The trash receptacles will be emptied twice a week.
  • All boxes need to be broken down before being placed in the trash receptacles. They take up too much room if left unbroken. 
  • All trash must be in a tied trash bag. Please do not place any loose trash in the receptacles. Also do not place pet waste baggies in the receptacles alone. They need to be placed in larger bags.
  • Do not discard large items into the trash receptacles. If you have large items to be removed, fill out a work order and place the item outside by the receptacle. Someone from facilities will come pick up any items. This includes TV boxes, broken furniture, and other items that are not part of everyday house hold garbage.
  •  Do not put trash outside your door. Any violation of this policy will result in a $25.00 fine.
  • If a trash receptacle is full, do not place trash outside of it. Find another receptacle that is less full and place trash inside it.
  • Everyone is responsible to help keep the lids on the receptacle closed. This will prevent trash from blowing out and water from filling the bottom of the receptacle.
  • Residents are responsible for maintaining their residential unit, building, and all seminary-owned furnishings in a clean and acceptable condition. Continued cases of negligence may result in eviction.
  • The seminary is not liable for any damages or loss of any personal belongings. Each resident is encouraged to purchase renter's insurance. Check with your car insurance carrier for renters insurance. 
  • Apartment residents (not including Courtyard) can request an additional key for $10.00.
  • If any keys are not returned at check-out the following charges will be applied to the resident's student account:
    • $115.00 per cylinder for door locks.
    • $40.00 for mailbox locks.
    • $10.00 per missing key.
  • If you are locked out call Campus Police at 504-944-7711.               

Check-Out Procedures
  • When preparing to move out residents must submit a vacating notice either online or in our office.
    • Apartment residents must give a 30 (calendar) day vacating notice.
    • Dorm/Courtyard residents must give a 14 (calendar) day vacating notice.
  • If the required notice is not given, residents will not receive a refund of their prorated rent for the month of check-out, and the refundable portion of the deposit is forfeited. (Waiving these penalties must be requested from and approved by the Director of Housing.)   
  • When checking out, residents must fill out a Check Out form and turn in their keys either in the Housing office, at the Guard House. Residents may also fill out the Check Out form online (see Additional Forms) and place their keys in the locked Key Return box outside the Housing Office door.
  • Rent will be charged until the keys are turned in.
  • If there are any damages, other than normal wear and tear, as a result of the resident’s occupancy, the resident will forfeit the refundable portion of their housing deposit and will be responsible for any other charges remaining.

Dorm and Courtyard Residents

  • Dorm and Courtyard residents must obtain a P.O. box in the Post Office, located in the Hardin Student Center. Mail cannot be sent directly to the resident's unit.
  • Residents are not allowed to have overnight guests without prior approval from the Director of Housing. Approval requests can be sent to the Director of Housing at housingdirector@nobts.edu and must include the guest's full name and the dates they would be on campus.
  • The first-floor kitchen in Carey Hall is available to all students in the dorms. Please clean up immediately after using the kitchen.
  • No men are allowed in the women's dorm rooms or hallways. 
  • No women are allowed in the men's dorm rooms or hallways.
  • Opposite gender dorm visitation may take place in the common room of respective dorms only during visitation hours. 
  • Visitation Hours are from 1pm-11pm daily. 
  • Use of the TV in the lounge rooms is on a first-come/first-serve basis.
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