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Distance Education Options

Distance Education Options

We know that relocating to the Main Campus for study at NOBTS may not be possible for everyone called to serve in ministry.  For that reason, NOBTS has developed several possibilities for distance education for worship and music ministry. The Bachelor Arts in Worship, Master of Music in Church Music, Master of Divinity with a specialization in Church Music, and Master of Arts in Worship Ministry degrees can be completed from a distance. Courses for these areas of study are now offered in a video-conferencing format, which NOBTS refers to as NOLA2ULive. This format of instruction allows students to engage content from the laptop anywhere in the world that offers adequate wifi connection. The basic ministry courses in these distant degrees can be taken in a variety of formats (including academic workshops, online, or at our extension centers). Additionally, for the MA in Worship, a new mentoring track allows the student to interact with a local field mentor in assignments geared to the student's unique ministry context for approximately 25% of the degree work. For more information, contact the church music division at musicdivision@nobts.edu.

Why New Orleans Seminary for music and worship ministry preparation?

The Church Music Ministries Program cherishes the relationship between its faculty and students. The small  ratio of music students to faculty enables individual student attention and guidance.

With a heart for the local church, New Orleans Baptist Seminary focuses on solid, practical preparation for ministry within the local church. Without compromising high academic standards, our faculty encourage our students to apply what they learn to their particular church contexts. Our music and worship faculty are personally committed to active church ministry as well as teaching. Several faculty members have served as overseas missionaries with the International Mission Board.

Curricula and methodology are designed to teach the broad areas of music and worship ministries so needed in churches today.  The church music program is vitally integrated in the Seminary family, encouraging dialogue among the core disciplines.  For example, at the master's level, future pastors, education specialists, youth pastors, counselors and worship leaders gather in one class (Worship Leadership) to discover and discuss the essence of worship and its implications for the local church.

Many outstanding worship leaders and church musicians, nationally known composers and performers, recognized leaders in higher education, missionaries and denominational leaders are among our graduates. One recent graduate received a Dove award for "Choral Collection of the Year."

Distance students are encouraged to visit the campus from time to time and enjoy our unique setting. New Orleans is a city known for its unique blend of music, food, and culture. The campus and the city provide a rich learning environment for taking classroom instruction and applying it to the realities of ministry and outreach through the local church.  Our library is a world-class research center and its holdings are available to all distance students. Many are delightfully surprised to find that God has created a sanctuary of theological foundation, Christ-centered meditation, Christ-honoring creative output, and celebrative worship in the most unlikely of cities - New Orleans.

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