Spring Giving Days April 3-4. Click here to learn more

Facilities and Resources


Sellers Music Building                                                Sellers.jpg

The E. O. Sellers Music Building, named for the first head of the music program, was built during 1952-53.The building contains 5 classrooms, eight individual teaching studios, a recital hall, twelve practice rooms, a conference room, a Music Education Resource Center, a choral and instrumental music library, music offices, a conducting lab, and technology and keyboard laboratories. The Technology Lab is equipped with a 55" Smartboard, computers, MIDI keyboards, and a variety of software programs. Internet access is available wirelessly throughout Sellers Music Building. Compressed Interactive Video is available for distance and hybrid courses in Room 121. Yamaha hybrid pianos are available in the practice rooms on the second floor of the Sellers Music Building and are available on a first come, first serve basis.


Martin Music Library


Established in 1964 under the direction of Dean William Hooper, the Martin Music Library provides resources for the music faculty and students: books and monographs, periodicals, recordings (audio and video), electronic databases, microforms, and equipment (e.g., listening stations).  It is located on the second floor of the main library facility, the John T. Christian Library.  It is named for William Plunkett Martin, the first director (dean) of the School of Music.  One of the significant contributions made by Martin is the Sellers-Martin Hymnal Collection.  This collection contains over 400 hymnals, representing 239 titles, which once belonged to Ernest Orlando Sellers and William Plunkett Martin, who used them in evangelistic campaigns.


Leavell Chapel


Leavell Chapel Pipes

The Daisy Dean Wright Memorial Organ (1967), constructed by the Aeolian-Skinner Organ Company, was located in Leavell Chapel. The organ was named for a New Orleans resident who left a bequest for the instrument. The specification in its completed form calls for 86 ranks of pipes (or 67 stops), distributed among five divisions: Great, Swell, Choir, Positiv, and Pedal, totaling approximately 5,000 pipes. The console had four manuals and full pedal. Until 2005, only 39 ranks were completed.  Hurricane Katrina (2005) damaged the organ and a complete restoration was needed. 

The new pipe organ built for Leavell Chapel replaced the previous Skinner organ.  The A. E. Schlueter Pipe Organ Company design of the new organ is reflected in the specification, keeping in mind the performance of a wide variety of organ literature, from classical to contemporary, and choral accompaniment.  The specifications are 83 ranks distributed among the great, swell, choir, solo, trompeteria, and pedal.  Numerous performance features are incorporated into the four-manual English-style drawknob console, as well as support for contemporary technology (midi capable).



Recital Hall


Sellers OrganFollowing Hurricane Katrina (2005) and the related damage to the music building, the Ida Kelley Suddeth Memorial Moller Organ (1954, 3 manual, 27 rank) in the Recital Hall of the Sellers Music Building needed to be replaced.  The A. E. Schlueter Pipe Organ Company designed, built, and installed (2006-2007) a new instrument.  This organ was designed to meet the musical requirements of all organ literature.  It is a 33-rank, three-manual instrument with a full pedal board, and is midi capable.  The instrument provides additional opportunities for teaching and practice.

Also in the Recital Hall is the Steinway D grand piano which is used for performances in the Recital Hall as well as for practice as available. Pianos are available for regular practice in the practice rooms on the second floor of the Sellers Music Building.

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