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Inquiry and Admissions

Applicants for the Doctor of Education should:

  • Possess a theological, ministerial or professional degree (or equivalent) from an accredited institution. Transcripts must include hours in biblical and theological studies, organizational leadership/administration, instructional theory and practice, and educational foundations. Students may be required to complete additional studies for admission. 
  • Have academic accomplishment in previous graduate studies. 
  • Expect to submit a graduate research paper for a writing assessment.
  • Complete and Pass an Entrance Exam.
  • Complete an Entrance Interview.
  • Possess basic competency in research statistics based on transcriptic hours. However, students may take the graduate statistics course during their first year in the program.
  • Demonstrate potential contribution to educational leadership in schools, churches, or other organizations. Experience is not a prerequisite.
  • A GRE score is not required. 


Click here to access the Doctor of Education Application.

A transcript is required to determine if leveling courses are necessary for acceptance into the degree program. 


Admissions Documents:


Application Requirements: