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FAQs related to NOBTS and Leavell College COVID-19 Response 

The answers to these questions are subject to change based on changes in events.

Any decisions related to graduation and other events beyond the time frame referenced in the official statements will be communicated to students and staff when appropriate. NOBTS and Leavell College administrators will continually evaluate the situation and make decisions on future events as needed. 

Are students required to leave campus housing?

No. Understanding that for many of our students the NOBTS campus is your primary place of residence, we are not asking for an evacuation at this time. We are, however, asking all students and campus residents to restrict as many group gatherings as possible so as to eliminate the most common and vulnerable moments of exposure. 

Will seminary offices remain open?

Yes. Until further notice.

Will the coffee shop and the cafeteria on campus remain open?

Yes.  Until further notice.

What about the REC?

The recreation center will remain open, but group meetings like Baby REC and group games like intramural basketball will be suspended. 

How will my classes change?

Your professor will contact the class for next steps on how instruction will continue.

What about students, staff, and personnel in at-risk categories?

You should take appropriate steps to protect yourself and your health. Work with your supervisor to address these concerns. Students can contact the Dean of Students office with specific concerns. 

What should our students who live on campus do during this time?

In keeping with the official NOBTS statement, avoid large group gatherings, continue personal hygiene and infection control measures by following CDC standards, and take extra measures to keep your campus residence clean. We are asking students, children, and residents to avoid group gatherings and to keep their living spaces sanitized. We are also asking for great caution in the ways they intersect with other public events and spaces over the next few weeks. 

Are our campus residents showing no signs of sickness required to quarantine on campus?

No, not at this time. If the situation within our city changes in such a way that this is warranted we will notify you. We are asking all campus residents to exercise great caution and to avoid group gatherings.

What should we do if we are showing symptoms?

Anyone showing symptoms should contact their healthcare provider immediately and follow their instructions. Those showing symptoms should expect to self-isolate for a 2 week period.

What should we do if we have been to places where COVID-19 is concentrated but are not showing any symptoms?

Anyone who has been to a Level 2 or above location where COVID-19 is concentrated should self-isolate for 2 weeks.  

How do I know what the CDC guidelines are for COVID-19?

Follow this link for CDC guidelines.

  • Wash your hands often
  • Cover your cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue
  • Stay away from people who are sick
  • Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces regularly 
  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. 
  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Practice good hygiene 
  • Be careful with meetings and travel
  • Handle food carefully.
  • Stay home if you are feeling sick or have a sick family member in your home.
  • Avoid large group gatherings.  

If you think you are sick, call your doctor and ask what you should do. Also notify the Dean of Students Office, 504.282.4455 x3283. 


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