Dr. Ethan Jones

Meet Ethan Jones

At first glance, it might seem odd that Dr. Ethan Jones would end up teaching at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. While he experienced some of the same questions and hesitations many face when following Jesus into full-time ministry, his passion wasn’t initially tied to academics once he surrendered to God’s call.

His dream was to move west and help build healthier churches.

“In college, I decided to do summer missions with the Mississippi Baptist Convention and the North American Mission Board,” Dr. Jones recalled. “They sent me to Las Vegas to help with church plants and various other ministries. It was a very life-defining summer, getting to do that kind of ministry in that kind of place.

“By the time we graduated from Mississippi College, my wife, Emily, and I both had extensive experience with church planting. We felt like that was our calling. We wanted to help church plants, especially in the western United States. So, we headed to Southwestern Seminary to begin our preparation.”

“Slowly, the Lord reset our sights more toward educational ministry, particularly the Old Testament,” Dr. Jones shared. “I wanted to know more about who God is and how that applies to training pastors, missionaries, and other church leaders. Emily was very supportive once I began to understand that. So, I began pouring myself into that kind of preparation and that kind of activity.”

In time, God began moving the Jones’s heart toward a new adventure: New Orleans. New Orleans always held a special place in their hearts. Emily’s family had roots in nearby Baton Rouge, and they had spent their honeymoon in New Orleans. So, when a position opened at NOBTS and Leavell College, they were willing to see what God had in store for them.

The heartbeat that brought Dr. Jones to New Orleans is not unique to him. You too may share a similar passion for this city and these students. Recognizing that God is at work at NOBTS and Leavell College, using these students and this faculty to bring light to a dark world. We like to say “Prepare Here, Serve Anywhere” is more than a motto, it’s our way of life.

You also know that we need partners like you, individuals who embrace our mission and are willing to invest in our students through their gifts to the Providence Fund. Your generosity allows them to focus on God’s call and to prepare for the mission He has for them. That’s why we are inviting you to join Dr. Ethan Jones and so many others in giving to the Providence Fund.

“Our students and our institution need support, especially financial support, so that students can come here and prepare through theological education in this space,” said Dr. Jones. “No city can give what this city can give in terms of its history, its architecture, beauty, food, and music. But absolute deep and consistent and rampant sin is also present. The problems are diverse, and that is such a gift for ministry preparation when faculty and students take it seriously.”

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College exists to prepare servants who will walk with Christ, proclaim His truth, and fulfill His mission. Leaders like Dr. Ethan Jones have devoted their lives to seeing that mission fulfilled. But they cannot do it alone; they need your prayers and financial support. Please don’t let this opportunity pass. Become a part of what God is doing in and through New Orleans by giving to the Providence Fund.

Thank you in advance for your generous partnership. Your financial support and your prayer support mean more than we could ever express. We appreciate you, and we wish God’s richest blessings on you and your ministry for the kingdom.


The Providence Fund

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