Dr. Tyler Wittman

Meet Tyler Wittman

God's plan and purpose for each of us is often more extraordinary and surprising than we can imagine. This truth has uniquely shaped the life and ministry of Dr. Tyler Wittman. His journey to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College in 2020 is a testament to how God works in ways that can defy our expectations and bring us to places we never thought we'd go.

“New Orleans is the only city about which I said with my own lips, 'I will never move to that city,'” Wittman recalls with a laugh. “I visited during the Southern Baptist Convention in 2012, tried the cuisine, experienced the heat, and got lost on the confusing roads. I thought, I can check that off my bucket list and never really need to go back.”

Dr. Wittman had nothing against the city, but he had other plans. He completed his doctorate at St. Andrews in Scotland and returned to teach theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. New Orleans was only a distant memory. But in 2020, during a season of transition, an unexpected phone call from NOBTS President Dr. Jamie Dew changed everything. 

“Dr. Dew just called me out of the blue,” Wittman remembers. “We chatted, and he told me about New Orleans. He acknowledged some of the very things I had thought about the place myself. But as he spoke, I could hear his heart for the city and the seminary. Suddenly, I was interested. The one place I never thought I'd move to became the very place God was leading me.”

This experience is not unique to Wittman. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College have a way of transforming preconceived notions and opening eyes to the incredible work God is doing here. This campus is more than just a place of learning; it's a launching pad for servants of Christ who are being prepared to walk with Him, proclaim His truth, and fulfill His mission around the world.

As a friend or alumnus of NOBTS and Leavell College, you know this truth well. “Prepare Here, Serve Anywhere” is not just a motto—it's a way of life that shapes our students and faculty daily. The impact of this education extends far beyond the classroom, reaching into churches, communities, and mission fields across the globe.

But this vital work cannot happen in isolation. We rely on the partnership of those who share our vision and are committed to investing in the next generation of Christian leaders. The Providence Fund is a crucial component of this partnership, providing essential financial support that allows our students to focus on their calling without the burden of overwhelming debt.

Wittman emphasizes, “The church doesn't suffer from too much education. It's impossible to overstate the importance of theological education. The church exists by the Word of God, and it's sustained by the ministry of the Word of God. We need people who are competent to rightly divide the Word of truth and administer the Word. Plus, school isn't cheap, and our students are often pursuing their studies while supporting families and serving in small-church contexts. When donors give, their gifts enable students to focus on important things they're here to do.”

Whether you are an alumnus living out the NOBTS mission in your ministry or a friend who deeply values the work God is doing through this institution, your support is vital. By giving to the Providence Fund, you become a partner in this mission, helping to prepare students for impactful ministry wherever God leads them. You can be part of the journey that brings light to a world trapped in darkness, just as God has done in (Professor's) life and countless others.

Thank you for your generosity and for standing with us as we continue to equip students for service in God's kingdom. Your prayers and financial support make a difference that echoes through eternity.

Gratefully,The Providence Fund

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